"What's that?"

"Uh my sketchbook."

"Can I see?" I handed it to him, watching as he flipped through the pages, awe written all over his face. It made something bubble in me once again.

He liked them.

"You're beautiful, you game, you can really draw..." He left open the page of my most recent work, looking back at me. "What else can't you do?"

"Fly, eat a million pizzas, I can name a few."

"That's debatable." He said grinning as he handed me back my book. "These are really good Amy." I noticed this was the first time he called me by my first name since we bumped into each other. It made me smile.

Also because he liked my drawings.

"Thanks. Do you have any talents or something?"

"Well...I have a wild imagination?" I giggled.

"Oh really? How exactly wild is it?"

"Hmmm, I could imagine you as some mystical creature or something." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "But it isn't exactly a talent is it? I don't think I've found mine yet."

"What are you really interested in?"


He said it so simply that I doubt he knew he said it out loud. "Gaming....What?" He asked after a while of me staring at him in surprise. I could feel the heat rising to my face.

"You just said you are interested in me." I tried once again to ignore all the feelings bubbling in side me. His eyes widened, and I think I saw the smallest bit of pink at the tip of his ears before he looked away briefly.

I think.

"Uh, yeah I told you that I'm interested in you. Like you're interesting" He rushed out, and seeing him like that for the first time made me laugh.

"Then how do you feel about baking? I'm going over to Aimee's place to bake with her, you could come?" I said changing the subject.

"Aimee? As in Andrew's girlfriend?"


"I'm in."

"Good. So we'll go to your house so we'll change then go from there."

"You know the way from my house to her place?"

"Yes. There's a road that connects your street that leads to somewhere along this one that leads to her place." I explained. He blinked at me, then chuckled.

"Ok let's go."

Conversation with Xavier was just so easy until we reached a purple door with little decorations. Lila's room.

"She has a thing for fashion design just like you Butterfly. Keep it in mind." I nodded. Lila was on her bed laying on her tummy with her legs kicked up. She was drawing what I already assumed to be a dress design.

Once she noticed us, she grinned immediately, walking towards us with an excited face that fueled mine.

"This is Lil, my sister, sis this is-"

"Amy. You're just like he said you are." Her grin morphed into a smirk. It reminded me of the one Chris had on his face the last time I visited.

"How exactly did he say I was?" I said, quickly glancing at Xavier,who gave her a look that reminded me of the one he gave Chris, but softer and more playful.

"I brought her here to meet you, not talk about me."

"Ok fine whatever. Come let me show you my newest design!" She said with a proud grin as she held my hand. I looked at Xavier with a grin of my own, finding out that he was grinning too.

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