Lady Aviva, alike to her twin sister in every way, presses a hand to her ample bosom. "I hear she's hiding away on some farm. Serves her right. Shoveling muck and pig waste for the rest of her life."

"If she has not already sided with Lord Hux." Lady Roth, the senior of the group, adds with a shake of her head. "Not that her prospects will provide them much. It's likely she fled with as much money as she could carry in those little claws of hers."

Lady Aviva giggles. "My lady's maid says one of the servants saw her running down the halls like a madwoman just after midnight, rattling like a coin purse. The servant said she was sure the woman had filled her corset with rubies!"

Laughter ripples through the group. Even you manage a little smile at the visual. That is, until Lady Roth's hawk-like eyes turn toward you.

"How is His Majesty doing now, Your Grace? Surely all this fuss must ruin his sleep." She asks coolly.

"He has many restless nights," you admit. "At times, I wake to the sound of him pacing or rifling through his papers."

"How awful," Lady Eryn agrees.

Her sister rolls her eyes. "I don't want to hear anymore talk about this war. It's just awful!"

"I know," Lady Cerelia replies softly. "All the people caught in the middle, unable to defend themselves. The poor, who have their homes ravaged and destroyed in the night."

Lady Aviva lets out a horrified gasp. "Do you think fewer ships will sail in and out of our ports? I simply can't live without my imported fabrics."

"It starts with the fabrics." Lady Eryn murmurs. "Soon, they'll be sending every palace servant off to help with the war efforts. Do they honestly expect us to fetch our own wine? Cook our own dinners?"

"It is likely," Lady Roth says solemnly. She nods at Lady Aviva in agreement, "it really is too awful. We won't discuss it any longer!"

You and Lady Cerelia exchange glances.

"You've been rather quiet, Lady Cerelia." Lady Eryn comments. "Surely, as a member of the queen's own household, you know of some news."

Your dear friend pauses for a moment, appearing unsure of herself. She sets her teacup down and sits up a little straighter before a little smile begins to tug at her lips. Her fingers lift to her lips in delight. "Well, there is... some news..."

The tart that you had just picked up is quickly lowered. You furrow your brow, waiting for her to deliver the news that even you were unaware of. When her hand drops lower, a sinking feeling suddenly settles upon you.

"Lord Dameron and I are expecting our first child." She announces happily.

"Oh, how wonderful!"

The women gush all at once, cooing and congratulating Lady Cerelia for her efforts. You want to kick yourself for not noticing the signs. The vibrant glow of her skin, the gentle roundness of her cheeks, and the sudden bouts of sickness that had kept her away from you for so many mornings before.

"How can you be sure?" Lady Aviva--who already had three children of her own--wonders aloud.

"I haven't bled in months." She replies. "At first, I only suspected that it was delayed, but I spoke with Master Thorleye this morning and he confirmed it."

For a moment, the idea distracts you from all else. The way she will look in a few months--belly full and round, the first time you will hold her child, its first steps, first words. Even during a time of war, a child was a precious gift to behold.

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