Chapter 5 (NSFW)

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You got up the next morning, hearing your alarm going off. I got up and checked the time '8:30...
8:30?! What?! Shit shit shit shit shit! I'mma be late! ' You stand up and take a quick shower. You dry your hair and body. Then you put your uniform on. You quickly grab your bag and run to the elevator.

Once you get to the first floor you are running out the door. "Shit!" You start running to work.

Once you got to work it was 8:58. You run inside and quickly sign in.(Don't judge me idk how tf jobs work 😭)  Then you start to jog to the daycare.

"Sunshine! You made it! Just in time! " Sun says.

"Yeah! (Enter the gasp for air)  I know! "

"Almost thought you weren't gonna make it, Sunshine!"

"Heh... Me too. " You say as you fix your uniform from the running. "Anyways. Is everything ready for the daycare to open? "

"They didn't tell you? "

"Tell me what? "

"The daycares closed because Moon freaked out last night... Nobody knows why... " Sun says with a frown on his face.

"Oh my! No nobody told me... Are you alright? " You grab both sides of Sun's face gently to examine it.

"Uh... Uh yeah! I'm alright! " He says as his face slowly flushed with a cherry red color.

"That's good! Have you seen Moon since last night? "

"No, but I'm sure you can go visit him! He's probably powered off though. "

"Alright. I'll go visit him and make sure he's alright, if he's not powered off. Then I'll come back and hang out with you I guess! "

"Alright, bye Sunshine! "

"Bye, Sun! "

You walk out of the daycare and walk to P&S. Before you enter, bangs and robotic screams from the room echo into the hallways. You hesitantly open the door and the workers look at you.

"Who are you supposed to be? " said worker one.

"I'm y/n. Sun told me Moon was here... "

"Yeah. He's right here-" The worker was soon cut off by Moon.

"Y/n?! Get me out of here! I don't want to be scrapped! "

You walk up to the capsule where the Moon was being strapped down.

"You're not going to be scrapped don't worry, Moon. "

"B-But I am malfunctioning! They're gonna scrap me!"

"Calm down, Moon. I promise they won't scrap you. "

"You promise? "

"Yes, Moon. I promise. "

At that moment Moon stopped struggling and yelling. He looked at you and powered down. You watched the animatronics body parts slowly started to loosen. He seemed relaxed. But then you looked at the P&S employees. Your face stiffened, as you glared at them.

"If you scrap him, I'll kill you. Got it? "

All the employees looked at me, they looked surprised by your words. Then they nodded and started doing maintenance on the, powered down, animatronic.

After about, what had seemed like hours, they powered on the lifeless animatronic. It looked at you and smiled.

"You can take the animatronic back now. We believe we got the virus out. " One of the P&S works said, while opening the safety capsule moon was in.

You nod your head and look at moon. He walked out, ducking down because the doorframe was "small".

"Looks like you kept your promise Y/n...thank you... " Moon said walking up to you.

"No problem! Let's get going now! The daycare is closed today meaning we have all day to do whatever we want! "

Moon just nodded and took your hand, surprisingly, then we started walking back to the daycare.

As we walked down the hallway back to the daycare, you could feel Moon staring at you. You looked at him, confused and tilted your head.
"Quick question... Why are you staring at-" You were cut off by the sudden movement of Moon. He grabbed your hands, with one hand, and put them above your head, pinning you to the wall.

"Moon?! What- what are you doing?! " You yelped. Moon then covered your mouth with his free hand and got closer to your face.

"Shh... Starlight... We can't draw any attention... " He then uncovered your mouth and slid his hand down your body, feeling each curve.
"Look at you~ I like this... You under me... " He got up to your ear and whispered. "It's very nice, Starlight~" His raspy voice sent shivers up your spine. But soon enough his hand stopped and went between your thighs, and started nibbling on your ear. You let out a soft moan, that catches his attention instantly. He smirked.

"Do I... Have permission to... " He gets so close to your ear, that you can hear his breath. "Make you feel... Pleasure? ~"
At that, you gulped and nodded your head. He then slowly started taking your pants off, and then your panties.

He slid his fingers around "your area" slowly and then put them into you. You moaned as his cool fingers penetrated your body. He slowly moved them in and out of you. Causing you to moan quietly. He smiled at your response and started nibbling your ear again, moving his fingers faster. Your hands wrap around his neck as his fingers start to go at an abnormal speed. You were moaning constantly. You couldn't catch your breath. And then a knot started to form in your stomach.

"Are you close, Starlight~? " he whispered to you as he slowly stopped his fingers.

You nod your head and he takes his fingers out of you. You look at him puzzled.

"If you want more you will need to beg for it. " He said as he licked his lips.

Your face had a sudden surprise on it. And then it turned red. You unwrapped your hands around his neck and got to the floor and started begging.
"Please... Continue... " You looked like a puppy. He looked at you, with a menacing smile. He then picked you up and layed you on some nearby crates. He separated your legs and pushed his tongue inside you. Since when did he have a fucking tongue?! Causing you to let out a large moan. He pumped his tongue faster, causing the knot to grow tighter in you. You grabbed the side of the crates and moaned louder. Then suddenly a very loud moan escapes your mouth and the knot disappear. He then slowly licked your "area" and stood up completely. He smiled as he looked at you. You looked all tired and worn out.

"Now how was that~? " He asked as he picked up your pants and panties, putting them on you.

You just nodded your head and covered your face. He picked you up and smirked. Carrying you bridal style back to the daycare.

Hehe. Hi guys. Sorry I was gone for so long. I just started school and I got a bunch of homework lol. But anyways I might start uploading regularly. So :)

(Future a/n-...this is the cringyest thing I've ever read.... Let me just edit the whole damn story.)

Their Shimmering Star (Sun/ Moondrop x Female reader)  *may have smut/lemon 😉🫰Where stories live. Discover now