˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Unrequited First Impression˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

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"After finally a few weeks in school I started getting adjusted to everything. Luckily a lot of my fans respected me and so only on Fridays do they line up outside class. It's not the best but I can't push my fans far. That would seem rude. But now I have more important things to focus on..." Before you could finish your quite not readable thoughts you heard three other classmates talking. Which quickly catches your ear. 

"Did you hear? A deadly snake escaped from the local zoo. "

"There's a posies snake on the loose!?

"Hmm are you sure it escaped...?"(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭

A boy with light aqua hair with his right eye covered stood between the three other students. For some reason, the bottom of his shirt looked ripped and he wore red bandages around his arm. He looked sort of disheveled in a way. The guy began to talk about how this snake was not just some "normal" snake but was some test demon snake from an organization called "Dark Reunion." 

Which tbh most of my classmates didn't even know was a thing. (Which you didn't even know of too.) "Dark Reunion..who? Never heard of them"( -_•) Some students said under their breath or just to the boy's face. They all walk away from him back to their groups. The guy who was called Kaido walked over to "Hey it's that pink-haired who got sick. Oh, wow hope his not still sick it's bad being in school when you just had a massive fever like he did..."  Kaido walked over to him before talking to him. Even though they were pretty far I could still hear their conversation. I was also able to get the guy's name. 


 Before Kaido could finish his sentence about the "Deadly snake." A guy slid the door open. 

"Hey, good news they caught the snake!"✧

Before we knew it the sighs of some classmates' relief were heard. A girl walked up to him after a few seconds. 

"Well, that's a relief where they find it...?" ₍ᐢᐢ₎

"At the school's front gate. It was just kind of lying there half dead..." •⌄• 

"Ok... But why was it half dead.?"₍ᐢᐢ₎

"Some first graders had been wiping it around..."•⌄• 

"That's good news. If any of my managers heard a deadly snake was around this school.They lock it up till they find it. They don't want me anywhere near something that can cause me to get hurt or die like a snake. But also, I feel bad to that poor snake first graders are quite the troublemakers...(ó﹏ò。)"

✰Saiki POV✰

"This is becoming less of a good day. First Kaido now Y/N. They're going to be a bother to me I know it. I guess they're not all bad. Thought caring for a snake you don't know was strange. Guess that's what you expect from the perfect human on Earth. That's another thing Y/N carefree attuited and charm is just too much attention for me. I guess they a nice people compared to some, but I can't make super big assumptions. "

"Sounds like we beat dark reunion this time." 

"Be careful what you say! There is an all-powerful secret society!" ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)

"Who knows what they do to you when they sort mankind."

"The class seems to mock Kaido's story about dark reunion. And tbh who could blame them it is all made up in his head anyway."


Before any classmates couldn't stop their laughter at Kaido's childlike imagination, he began to walk over to the sliding door. Opening the door as he was muttering something but from his tone it was clear he was going to cry.

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