One Last (not really) Thought

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One Final Thought

Book clubs provide a great way to find new stories, meet new authors, and get valuable feedback on your own writing.

We are trying to grow the CBC in a responsible way and become a place where an active community of writers interested in Chick Lit can write, learn, and talk. Please keep this in mind when things go wrong (because they will!) and if you have a second to help, reach out (because we'll need it!).

Thank you for taking the time to read through these chapters. We hope that your experience with the CBC will be all the better for it!

If you ever have any questions, suggestions, problems or praises, please do contact us @the_cbc

In the meantime, we'll see you over in the CBC session book!

- Ara and Lucy x


As a final confirmation that you read the contents of this book, and understand and agree to their contents, please vote on this chapter (press that little star) and comment with something random (because we're all out of ideas...)


CBC: The Little Book of Red Tape (a.k.a. The Rule Book)Where stories live. Discover now