Chapter 5

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Sonic's P.O.V

I raced home but my home was with my brother Tails. Once I reached home I knocked on the door for I didn't have a key.

"Sonic?" Tails questioned

"Hey buddy" I greeted him

"Are you ok? You have been gone all day it is now Midnight!?" The sleepy fox asked

"I was with... Shadow" I replied

"Shadow? Why where you with him?" Tails asked me

"I was hanging out with him but all of a sudden he kicked me out and told me to go" I told him

"Why did he kick you out?" The fox asked as he let me inside

"We where examining a room that was blocked off but... that was until I found a picture of.... me and him...Kissing!" I replied

"Kissing? You guys never kissed" Tails asked confused.

I sat down on the sofa I was hurt by how Shadow yelled at me. I was just as confused as Tails. I don't know what to do about this.

Shadow's P.O.V

I glared at the picture that was I my hands. We never did this So why is it here? I crumpled the picture and threw it in the trash.

The sounds had stopped once he left. I decided to read to take my mind off what happened but it didn't work as my mind traced back to the picture.

"IT WAS FAKE! IT IS NOT REAL! YOU DON'T LOVE SONIC THAT WAY!...... " I yelled to myself but trailed off

"Or do I?" I asked myself

I shook my head hard to get rid of the thoughts but only ended up with a headache and wondering thought.

I went to my bathroom to take pain meds to get rid on the headache that is now starting. After I took the pill I looked myself in the mirror then back at the bottle of pain meds.

"Maybe these might help me get rid of these thoughts." I told myself as I opened the bottle.

Unknown person

"Perfect! This is all working according to plan! I just can't let them be together. But I think Shadow might help with that more then I think." ??? Said as they watched Shadow from the bathroom window.

To be continued

(Next chapter will be longer promise)

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