Chapter 4

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Shadow's P.O.V

I opened the door once it was opened Sonic walked in. I followed in with him. The lights where off so I went to turn them on but they didn't come on.

"Dame! The lights don't work! Hold on I will get a flashlights." I told Sonic. He nodded and I walked out the room to the kitchen.

It was only a few minutes when I head a scream. I grabbed the flashlights and ran back to Sonic.

"What is wrong? Did you scream?" I asked him

"Nothing is wrong, why would you thing I think I screamed?" Sonic questioned

"I heard a scream and thought it was you" I replied

"Your hearing things." Sonic said

"I must be" I replied handing him a flashlight

Sonic's P.O.V

We walked around this dark room. I could tell that it was unused, there was dust and cobwebs everywhere. The room didn't hwv3 much in it.

There was a queen size bed the back frame was up against the wall. There was also a huge old fashion cabinet facing the bed. That was pretty much that was in the room.

I looked over at Shadow who was shaking his head quite a bit.

"You good?" I asked him

"Yeah, I keep hearing random sounds" Shadow replied

"Like what?" I asked

"Well there is talking, screaming, and buzzing?" Shadow said

"Hmm maybe this room is haunted." I replied as I opened the cabinet doors

"Probably not." Shadow replied as he walked out the room

"You never know....." I said but trailed off

"What did you find?" Shadow asked

"A picture of us..........kissing" I replied dropping the picture that was in a frame making it brake.

"What?" Shadow asked as he picked up the broken frame

Shadow must have scanned it multiple time because his expression had changed from happy to confused and pissed.

"Did you plant this here?" Shadow asked but not in a friendly way

"Wha... why would I do that?" I asked pinning my ears back scared

"Get out!" Shadow yelled as he pointed to the front door.

"But, Shadow" I tried to say something


With that I raced out of his house. What had gotten into him? Why did he think I planted that there?

Questions flooded into my head as I raced home. I didn't even look back.

To be continued

Immortal (Sonadow)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang