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Name: Euan Choi
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Affiliate: J-High Student Class 1-1
                 White Tiger Job Centre Special Agent.
Height: 6'1

Relatives: Charles Choi(Father)
Crystal Choi(Sister)

The story began 13 years ago, whereas it shows a boy named Euan Choi hugging his father's leg as if he was grasping for his life.

"Let go, Euan..."

His father calmly orders him, but he didn't comply, instead he wailed and said.

"I'm not letting you go, papa! You promise Mom that you'll take care of me!"

His father's eyes we're covered by the shadows of his hair.

"... I'm sorry, son."

His father says before knocking him out unconscious; Charles Choi, the name that his father goes by, or as what he's called by now.

Years passed since Euan was abandoned by his father at the orphanage; no one took care of him, or have the guts to adopt a child like him.

Euan was lonely, he missed every single bit if his life; his life with his parents and his sisters those we're the good old days, but things change when thunder strikes and broke everything apart.

His Mom died in a car accident, leaving him to be abandoned by his father, he took care of Crystal instead of him, the elderly son. And because of this, Euan held a grudge against his family and has caused more trouble than he used to before.

It forces him to be thrown out to juvenile detention, but that was the beginning of the real trouble.

Euan had multiple cases of crimes, assault, attempt of murder and finally human trafficking, but he didn't stop, he continued and continued doing all of this act until, someone had to step in.

Euan had multiple cases of crimes, assault, attempt of murder and finally human trafficking, but he didn't stop, he continued and continued doing all of this act until, someone had to step in

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" 'Ello young tyke!"

A huge man called out the 7 year old boy, his size towered the boy's height, making him feel the one thing that he never had felt in his entire time.


The young Tyke had been taught a lesson, teaching him the ways to be disciplined and how to be humble; however, even after all of that, he still couldn't shake his resentment towards his father.

Tom Lee on the other hand, views Euan as his son; he kept the boy under his care and secretly hid him from Charles Choi; he also found out about their relationship, and bringing him back to his father would cause more damage.

He trained Euan to the very best, taught him the way of fighting, and provided him with the help that he needed; same went for his adopted brother, Eli Jang.

Soon, Euan grew and become Tom Lee's greatest masterpiece, earning him the title "Special Agent." He became the most feared being across South Korea, and despite earning that title, no one has ever seen his face.

He was like Tom Lee's best creation, one that he can't destroy since he himself stated that he created a mini version of himself.

"So, about Euan..."

The story continues at Tom Lee's office where he and his best employee: Yeongchol Kim.

"What about him?"

"Sir, I was thinking about sending him to school."

"He doesn't need to, young tyke is earning more money than anyone in this job does; he doesn't need it.."

Tom Lee respond bluntly as he drank the bottle of wine.

"That's the problem sir. Euan has been with us that he never had a chance to reenact with other kids, his entire childhood focuses on serving you and the company..."

Yeongchol explains, but stops  stopped in as the big G slams his hand down to his desk, breaking it into two.

"I do what's best for my son, and if I say he won't go to school, then that's final."

Manager had nothing to say, he adjusted his glasses and excused himself out of the room, leaving Tom Lee all by himself.

The man sat at his chair and look past the window, viewing the sight of Seoul Infront of him.

"School... School..."

"Your going to school!"

Five hours later, Tom Lee confronted his son at a billiard game.

"What? School...? I don't want that."

Euan replies, seemingly annoyed by the news.

"That's not up for you to decide; Young Tyke, you've been working with us since ten years that you barely met anyone."

Tom explains.

"That's not true, Eli is my friend."

"When was the last time you talk?"

Tom shot back, silencing the boy to the process. He hit the 12th ball into the hole.

"Your going to J-High; I've already enrolled you to that school so don't cause any troubles."

He finally shoots the last 8th ball, declaring his win. Euan let out a sigh of defeat before leaving the billiard house and revealed the pile of bodies littered around the floor.

"Wanna buy some ice cream?"

Euan rolled his eyes in response before entering the driver seat of the car and drove off.

Tom Lee watches with a calm stern-grinning face.

Tom Lee watches with a calm stern-grinning face

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"That was my car."

End Of Chapter

And that's it for today's chapter, give m your thought at the comments, and don't forget to vote.

Also I still haven't think of a character that I should pair up with Euan so I'm probably gonna hear you guys out to who he should be together with.

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