Dreams and Nightmares

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"I did once but it was so long ago I barely remember it now." 

"What made you want to become human?" 

"I fell in love and thought about giving it all up. However, it was never meant to be." 

"What happened?" 

"He learned the truth and then the Salem Witch Trials happened. He accused me of being a witch so I left earth for a while. Didn't come back until the 1920s." He thought about her reply for a moment. Which made him curious about something.

"Was that the only time you fell in love?" 

"A long time ago at the beginning of civilization on earth I met a group of immortals. They weren't human more so alien per say. Two of them took my interest. She was kind, beautiful, and a heart of gold. He was serious, protective, but he had a kind heart. We separated when they realized the world doesn't need them anymore and I was called away from earth."

"Was it ever odd to you loving two people at once? Not to judge but more curious than anything." 

"It never felt odd. We loved each other in our own ways. With her it was as if we were two halves of the same soul. We understood each other better than anyone else. It was different with him. I understood him more than he understood himself. I was also not afraid to tell him when he was wrong. I did love them and they did me. However, we all had our functions  which got in the way. When I came back they were still together. I didn't rekindle the relationship as I felt too much time has passed."

"Did you ever try to reconnect?" 

"Sersi, I do meet with her from time to time. The two of them were still together until the 1920s. I had returned to earth after they separated. Met her new boyfriend, nice guy. And our former significant other as far as I know he's alive. What he's up to I have no idea." 

"Did you ever try to get with Howard?" She gives him a deadpan look. "Humor me will ya'." 

"No, we remained friends and nothing more. I actually introduced him to his wife if you will know." 

"So what about now? That Marc guy seems to care about you a lot," he points out. He observed how Marc was very protective of her. Even though he hasn't voiced it Bucky could tell Marc did not like them. There was something different about Marc that Bucky couldn't put a finger on. Then again he felt Eddie was hiding something from them. 

"He's married," she points out, "they're separated now but that doesn't change anything. He still loves her even if he doesn't admit it." 


"Can't really say if he's still hung up on his ex. I think he's moved on but the feelings are still there." 


"I think I would have driven that man insane. Eddie can barely stand me at times. It seems like I drive all men crazy while women find me endearing," she says with a smirk. He snorts in amusement. 

"Yeah okay," he says not completely believing her. 

"What about you?" 

"What about me?" 

"What do you think of me?"

"As Leah or as Mikaela?" 

"Surprise me." He lets out a sigh before contemplating his answer. 

"As Mikaela I found you annoying. You held so many secrets and were unwilling to share. On the other hand, I could tell you were a genuine person who wanted to help. As much as I didn't want to something was telling me to trust you. As Leah I thought you were the prettiest dame I ever met." His cocky smile makes her smack his chest in annoyance. He lets out a laugh before saying, "I'm telling the truth, doll. Although the white hair suits you better than blond. It brings out your beautiful eyes." 

"James Barnes, are you flirting with me?" she asks with an amused smile on her face. 

With a shrug of his shoulder he answers, "Maybe."

"You haven't changed a bit. I always wondered what exactly makes women attracted to you."

"Maybe it's my dashing good looks and my charming personality." She pretends to be thinking about it. Tapping a finger against her chin. 

"No that's it. Oh I got it." She snaps her fingers. "They all must have not gotten their eyes checked yet. Also the effects of alcohol can make one misconstrue a person's looks." Not amused by her comment he shoves her off his bed. She lets out a squeak in shock. 

"Hey!" she protest. "I was just joking. Yeish someone can't take a joke." 

"I can take a joke you just can't tell any good ones." 

"Everyone's a critic." She gently shoves him back to the side he was on before. Climbing into the bed but this time she lies back. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'll sleep here the rest of the night in case you get another nightmare." 

"And what makes you think I would let you." 

"Like I would give you any other option. Hell I wouldn't give you the opportunity to refuse." 

"Why, do you have the power to control dreams?" 

"For your information nothing like that. I don't enjoy peering into people's heads. Although, I can influence the dreams you can get. Like you tell me you want to see your happiest memory I can do that. The memory will completely be up to you of course. So Sgt. Barnes, what is it that you desire?" He thinks about it for a moment. If she can take away the memories it wouldn't hurt to take up her offer. For years he hasn't had a peaceful night of sleep. As nightmares, more so memories, haunt him every night. 

"It's not really a memory more of a hope. What I would sometimes imagine was my life after the war if Hydra never happened. If I never fell off that train and Steve never went into the ice. Can you show me that." Her heart clenched at Bucky's answer. For she wished she could have done so much more for them but that was never her function. She cannot interfere in the lives of mortals to an extent that can radically change their lives. 

"Alright I can do that. Just lay down as you will fall asleep instantly. I'll have to touch your head, is that okay?" 

"Yeah do what you have to do." As instructed he lays down on the bed and tries to relax. She gently places her fingers on each side of his head. Her hands glow a faint white color, and as they do Bucky's eyes start to flutter closed. Once he is in a deep sleep she slowly tries to climb out of the bed. Only to be stopped by Bucky latching onto her wrist. Against her better judgement she decided to stay the night. 

Although he would never admit it his dream consisted of what he imagined his life after the war in the 40s. Like promised Leah would hold up her promise in allowing him to buy her a drink. Steve continued pursuing a relationship with Peggy. Life continued on. Soon there was a house with white picket fences. Little children running around in the front yard. Him standing on the porch watching them play. Leah comes out of the house, baby bump apparent. Steve and Peggy pull up with a little boy and baby to join them. 

He doesn't know why this was the life he imagined it just was. Even after all the secrets and lies he couldn't bring himself to hate her. When he went over everything in his head she never meant to hurt him but rather to help him. Although he would never agree with her tactics he will admit her actions have been effective so far. She has never apologized for any actions she has taken. Rather more so doubling down on the fact her end goal justifies the actions she takes. Which is why he feels like he can never turn on her. 

Why should I change the way I do things to make others happy? I have outlived many people in my life with very few who might outlive me. Dreams and Nightmares become blips in time for someone like myself. And yet dreams give most mortals comfort. Maybe one day I will understand that comfort myself. 

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