My Schedule went like this.

1st. Biology

2nd. Algebra II

3rd. Music Comprehension

4th. Literature


5th. Free class

6th. Spanish

7th. History

Of course they would put history last. The class that my academic qualities didn't shine as bright in, would be my last subject, therefore helping me become more short and un-understanding with my parents when I got back to the SH.

My chances of actually going to history were slim.




Biology was incredibly un-eventful, and turned into more of a teacher calls out my name for attendance looks at me and never talks to me again.

So as I walked down the hall, invisible to the human eye and fervently trying to find my most exciting class (Algebra obviously) something in-feasible happened.

As I walked, (keeping to the wall, my head down) someone bumped into me.

I felt the books in my arms fall to the ground  and the person in front of me drop there  stuff as well.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry..." There words seemed truly apologetic and I could tell they hadn't purposefully knocked into me.

"Oh, it's fine, I understand..." I stated, bending to pick up my stuff without looking at them (making eye contact causes social conversation to be allowed.)

"Sorry, I'm looking for a new class... Do you know where Algebra II is?" They inquired, desperately trying to connect eyes with me.

I sighed, this social invisibility was not going to be effective if the people I accidentally knocked into had the same classes as me.

I finally looked up.





The first thought in my head was blue.... The color of the persons eyes, and not like a lapiz, no, but a dark turquoise... My favorite color....


For the first time in, well, ever... I was speechless....

I had always thought speech loss was an impossibility for me if I was smart and socially inapt; but for once, the words in my brain didn't feel right, and all that came out of my mouth... Was "Um..."

He up turned his lip.

"Do you have Algebra ll?" He implored, his tone high and light.

"Yes...." I stated quietly.

He nodded.

"Do you know where it is?" 

I shook my head, not confiding in my voice.

"I'm new to this institution..." I stated, realizing that the number of people in the hall had diminished to very few; and the time that was left to get to my class was very short.

"Institution? Are you a teacher or something?" He queried.

I shook my head.

"I would rather be illiterate than be the appalling swine that calls themselves teachers. I could teach a class of rocket scientists better than they could teach dogs." I said quickly.

He laughed, the cackle seeming witchy and almost forcing me to chuckle along with.

"Tyler." He stated, his hand out and his up-turned lips larger than before.

"Troye." I said, copying him, and shaking his hand respectfully.

"I have algebra II next, I was actually going there before you accidentally assaulted me."

He seemed to understand my answer, beginning to pick up his dropped items and sorting through his things, once and a while pulling out something of mine that had been knocked into the pile. 

I gathered my things noticing a notebook with his name on it.

"Here." I stated, holding it out for him to take.

He took it more quickly than I would have expected, almost as though he where embarrassed that I had seen it at all.




After a bit of adventuring, Tyler and I found the class of Allegra II easily.

"Welcome," The teacher at the front said as we walked in.

"Oakley, and Sivan I presume?"

Tyler nodded and I replied with a nod as well.

"Well, there are two seats in the back and one in the front. Pick among yourselves." He said, gesturing to one seat all the way in the front and the two seats side by side in the way back.

I didn't have to think twice on what I was choosing. Walking quickly and quietly to the back of the class. Making sure I didn't trip and didn't draw any attention to myself; and before I knew it I was sitting in the back seat Tyler sitting next to me and the teacher explaining quadratic equations for the probable millionth time.

The inconsequential numbers of the universe are truly insignificant to the fact that the existence of human life is so short that the hypothetical shake of a lambs tail, is practically a million billion trillion times longer than the universes life and a probable one-hundred millionth of our own existence.

I had known this small fact of information for years now and never really felt the need to write it down, but as I did I felt as though something in my head clicked together.

School, itself was such a stupid concept.... The fact that people (who had no universal power) were forcing children (who really were just milla-seconds of time) into doing something like learning (which helped us in a life that would mean nothing to the existence of the universe) was practically laughable.

Really this tiny amount of time we had been given to live was so inconsequential... It all meant nothing in the actual reality of everything....

Everything... didn't matter... because everything eventually vanished... 

So everything I had ever written down and all the time I spent actually doing anything was so... stupid...

It was all going to end at some point... So whats the point of doing anything at all?

I shook my head.

That's when it happened.... 

I... Troye Sivan... had a social conversation... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm slowly falling in love with this one... I get up at 6, got to bed at 9 and get yelled at by my parents for being on the computer so much... L()L

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