Part 2

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Elsewhere a 15 year teenage girl is walking down the street to her school, but she was unlike most girls, she has aquamarine skin, contrasting beautifully with her dark blue shoulder-length tentacle like hair, vibrant turquoise eyes and her ears resembles pectoral fins. green turtleneck sweater, purple high waisted jean short shorts, purple, dark grey, and white leggings, grey knitted socks, and dark purple boots with purplish blue laces.

Her name is Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken and the protector of Oceanside. She is walking towards the school and hears her cellphone rings. "Hello?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby, it's mom! We have an emergency!" Agatha said over the phone with panic in her voice.

"Mom what's wrong?" Ruby asked.

"Your Grandmother called and Nerissa has escaped from her prison!" Agatha replied.

"Wait what?! How did she escaped from her prison?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know? But my guess she's in hiding at the moment." Agatha said.

"You sure you don't want me looking for her mom?" Ruby asked.

"No and besides if I escape from prison, I would be hiding until the heat dies down." Agatha explained. "She could be anywhere on Earth. It would take forever to find Nerissa, just enjoy the basketball game.

"If you say so." Ruby said.

"I'll talk to later sweetie." Agatha said.

"Ok bye mom." Ruby said as she hung up. "She has no powers, but I'm not sure. She could be building an army of mermaids. After the game I'll come up with solutions to defeat and capture Nerissa." Ruby thought as she walked inside the school.

Inside the gym, Hailey and Scott have taken their seats as they watched the athletes practicing, the Oceanside crabs were wearing red, while the Oceanside Krakens are wearing purple and blue.

"Look at those guys they look like the frosting of those pop tarts." Beta said as he looked through Hailey's backpack.

"Beta, be quiet." Hailey hushed.

"Well I'm sorry for being truthful." Beta said.

"This is going to be a great game." Scott said. "I even brought my form claw." Scott pulled out a red foam crab claw with the words "Go crabs" written in white. "I made it myself."

"That's great Scott." Hailey said. "How did you make that claw?"

"Used a piece of a memory foam mattress, shape it into a claw, paint it red and write go crabs." Scott said.

"Where did you even? Never mind that." Hailey said. "Hey listen I got to use the washrooms can you keep an eye on my bag."

"Why can't you wait during halftime?" Scott asked.

"That would take forever and besides I'm not waiting in a long line." Hailey said as she walked away.

"Hey Scott check out that girl over there. She looks like a rejected alien from James Cameron's movie." Beta snickered. "She's dating some guy with a mop head."

"Beta! That wasn't very nice." Scott said.

Hailey exited the stall in the girls' washroom and walked towards the hand sink and washed her hands. But then the hooded girl exited a stall in dramatic fashion which startled Hailey. "You scared me." Hailey said.

"Oh I didn't mean to startle you. I didn't catch your name." The hooded girl said as she took off her sunglasses and hood off revealing her long red hair.

"Hailey, Hailey Banks." Hailey introduced.

"I'm Chelsea Van Der Zee." Chelsea introduced herself. "It's Dutch."

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