"Oh c'mere little lass." Cheating Ghost P2

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Alright yall asked for a part 2 so here ya go lovelies!

Alright yall asked for a part 2 so here ya go lovelies!

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"Oh c'mere little lass."

You wipe away tears as you drive, you weren't sure where you were going, eventually pulling into a gas station and breaking down once the car was parked.

Once calmed down you text John, you doubted he was awake at this hour.

Y/n: Hey, are you awake?  1:43 am

John: Yeah? Surprisingly. Whats going on lass? 1:46 am

Y/n: I did it. I finally left him. 1:47 am

John: Oh shit lass, are you alright? 1:50 am

You giggle feebily, wiping away a few tears, you could almost hear his Scottish accent through the texts messages.

Y/n: No. I packed up my things and drove off. I dont know where im going to go. 1:53 am

John: Here lass, you can crash at my place for now, just till you know what your doing alright? 1:58 am

He sends you his address

Y/n: thanks Johnny, says I'm twenty out from you 2:02 am

John: I'll leave the porch light on for you lass 2:03 am

You eventually pull up into his drive way, you had been friends with John before you met Simon, John actually introduced the two of you.

You had always found him to be a kind guy, always making sure you were alright and never hesitating to help when you were in need.

John is standing on the front porch and upon seeing you in you post break up state, walks down the steps and opens his arms "Oh c'mere little lass." He coos softly

You melt into his embrace, stammering out a few incoherent words, hugging him tightly

"Shh, I know.. I know little lady, Ive got ya." He rubs your back soothingly "c'mon, lets get you inside yeah?"

You both head inside, John hands you a mug of coffee, having made it just the way you liked it. You always liked that about him, he seemed to remember every detail about you, where as Simon seemed not to care at all.

John settles down on the couch next to you, rubbing your back soothingly "If you wanna talk about it I'm right here lass."

you take the cup of coffee and drink from it with shaky hands "h-he cheated on me" with a deep inhale of breath "he's not the man I thought he was......" tears stream down your face as you remember what he did "this can't be happening.....we were supposed to get married next month....." your voice quivers and trembles

John puts and arm around you, and holds you close. "Oh, Lass, I'm so sorry..."

He continues to stroke your back, "Noone deserves that... Especially you... Simon made a horrible mistake, and now he has to live with the consequences of it."

COD OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora