Chapter one: the avengers

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A young black haired female looked at a dark orange haired female and smiled "wanda everything alright" asked the female and wanda looked at her and smiled "yeah akino everything is alright" spoke wanda and a male with a bit of white in his hair sped up to the two "guys there are people here" spoke the male "pietro were in the base of hydra there are going to be in here" spoke akino and pietro sighed. "No they aren't working with hydra they are fighting us we got to go help them" spoke pietro and akino sighed. 

"Um are the people you are talking about behind you" asked akino and they all turned around and was met with six people and pietro sighed "yeah they are" spoke pietro and one with a bow looked at pietro "what you didn't see that coming" spoke the male and wanda and akino smiled and pietro sighed. The six looked at the three and akino looked at them "what are your names" asked one in red and yellow armor and one with a shield looked at akino and gripped his shield and akino notice and hid behind pietro and he notice. "Which one of them threaten you pup" asked pietro and wanda notice and red surrounded her and her eyes glow red and the six notice "none of us did" spoke the one with shield. 

"The one with the shield in his hand gripped his shield" spoke akino and wanda looked at him picked him up and threw him against the wall. "Hold up he just gripped his shield doesn't mean he was going to attack" spoke the one in armor and akino looked at him "who are you" asked akino and the one in armor sighed "i'm iron man a hero" spoke the man and akino gripped pietro shirt a little tighter as the group was ready to attack pietro notice "who are you all" asked pietro and they looked at him "i'm captain america" spoke the one with shield and the green one growled "i'm hulk" spoke him and the one with a bow "i'm hawkeye" spoke the archer and akino smiled a little and wanda and pietro notice. 

"I'm thor" spoke a blonde with hammer and they all sighed and akino looked at them "who are you three" spoke iron man and pietro sighed "i'm wanda" spoke wanda and pietro looked at them "i'm pietro" spoke pietro and akino looked at them. "I'm akino" spoke akino and they all looked at the three. Akino let pietro go and looked at them and captain america sighed "so you use a bow and arrow two hawkeye" spoke akino and hawkeye looked at her "yeah" spoke hawkeye and akino smiled "so do I" spoke akino grabbing her bow and arrow and she grabbed her quiver and put it on her back and hawkeye smiled a bit "wait who are you" asked akino looking at a red haired male in the room "I'm black widow" spoke the male and they nodded and akino smiled a bit.

"What are you guys doing with hydra" spoke captain america and pietro sighed "they offered us power because our parents had died because of a stark industries bomb when we were ten" spoke pietro and captain america looked at them "you three are siblings" spoke iron man "yes me and wanda are twins and akino is our younger sister" spoke pietro and akino sighed and looked at them "i'm sorry but the hydra is experimenting on kids and others they are bad guys" spoke captain america and they nodded and looked at them "we can't let you do that sorry" spoke wanda and the six looked at them "i'm sorry we are here to stop hydra" spoke captain and hawkeye sighed "let me deal with the three" spoke hawkeye and the nodded and went pass them. 

The three looked at him and akino looked at hawkeye and wanda was ready to attack him "i'm not here to hurt you" spoke hawkeye and they look at them "I don't know what you three went through but I don't want to you three can do a lot of good for the world" spoke hawkeye and wanda stopped her power and pietro looked at him. Hawkeye looked at them and smiled and they relaxed a little and akino smiled "we can be good" spoke pietro and hawkeye nodded "yeah you three can" spoke hawkeye and akino smiled at him and wanda and pietro smiled as well. The others came back "was there not a fight" spoke iron man and hawkeye sighed "no there wasn't" spoke hawkeye and thor looked at them. "Lets bring them to the tower" spoke iron man and akino notice someone "um who is that" spoke akino and the female looked at her "oh sorry i'm bruce you meet me earlier when I was the hulk" spoke the female and akino nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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