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Hi, if you're new WELCOME if you're one of my followers just here for another taste of hopeful literature WELCOME BACK.

I hope everyone enjoys my latest darling angel child, Unnoticeable Storm. I've worked long hard hours to write this and I hope it meets the needs of you ever changing and always loved by me Nutella Angels!


Chapter 1

It's hard; for all the people we meet, all the friends we obtain and all the enemies we make; for we find that they come into our lives because of our ever changing selves. The mask that never stops changing is named Me, and Me has become invisible over a time span of seconds in the everlasting universe... And years in the small forever we call our lives.

I read it over again.

It wasn't exactly criticism for the people as much as truth for the monsters... Every word I wrote was the truth put in a way that the monsters of this planet could easily understand... I mean, who would understand something more complicated then this; when their feeble brains couldn't comprehend 2+2?

I saved the document, I was not even close to catching the bus at this point...

I would have to walk, missing the first 3 classes of the last day...

Oh well.


Part 1.3 (Of Chapter 1)


It wasn't much of a challenge; school, as much as it was... a game... An easy way to keep my brain, entertained and as sharp as I could get with the dimwitted and dull classes that I had to sit in, day by day.

I sat in the classes though, quiet, invisible.

I did the work faster than anyone and the homework was always turned in a day after given, so in my free time I did the only thing that I found challenging, I wrote.


I did not write stories about kittens and little girls and boys falling in love... Those where substandard stories that people used to try and live in a world that they could not obtain by the mere everyday actions.

Love itself is a statistical impossibility.

I mean who on earth expects love to just crash down on there doorstep on a rainy-day? It is an impossible probability for love to just come to you without trying to assert yourself and even then the numbers and statistics of it all is so small that... It's practically impossible.

Like, let's say that I wanted to be in love (I don't).

My country (The US of A ) has approximately 400,000,000 people in it. My state of Michigan has approximately 90,000 people in it 45,000 in which are males (which I prefer).

2,000 of these males sexual prefer the same as I (2,000 are gay)(Whether they have come out or not). 500 of them actually live near me of even close to me. And 250 don't want to be gay and wouldn't even think about dating (much less falling in love) with me.

The other 250 are split into 3 groups. Old, Middle Age, Young. 83 people are in my age group, and finally about 20 actually go to my school which has 2,000 people. But! Half of those 83 (because I don't have to find love in school) have no idea of their sexual preference and will probably not find out until they are over the age of twenty.

I'm now stuck with 41 people. 20 of which I will not like (whether personality, looks or average brain mass [aka IQ]). Out of these 21 people 5 will be in a relationship. And sadly 14 of these people will not take in interest in me our acknowledge my existence in anyway.

The 2 people left will not be perfect matches for me... (that is very unlikely)

So my small percentage of finding love is about 0.001%.

But... I don't want to find love... And the statistical numbers and reasoning stated above is actually the factor of me putting in some kind of effort.

So in reality, my chance of finding love is a probable 0.0000000001% and the fact that I don't even want it makes it an easy 0%.


Part 1.6 (Of Chapter 1)


The judgment of an ever changing society is appalling. The social aspect of judgment is an illusion of power and difference over the main population of adolescence. Judgment is no more than a way to criticize yourself. As in; judging someone is a judgment against yourself saying that you are not them! To say someone is ugly, is to show that you are rude and in pointing this statement out I show exceptional judgment in the human population altogether, there for judging me into the category of people that are chameleons. The people that are constantly trying to hide in the shadows and become invisible to the social judgment of those around them.


Oh ya....

My names Troye with an 'E'.




I made sure the huffing noise that most teenagers made was very audible as I stamped down the stairs. Ill-starred that I was dragged from my computer.

"Are you going to eat dinner?"

I looked thoughtfully at my sister, Sage, who was helplessly trying to make some kind of... Vegetable?

In truth (which I would never tell her), whatever was sitting in the small cooking pan looked more like a gray blob with dark burnt spots.

"I already ate." I lied, flashing her a thoughtful smile when she noticed my eyes locked on whatever she was making.

"Ok, well when Mom comes home we're all going to have a family meeting." Her tone wasn't as excited as I expected it to be, more of a flat I'm-telling-you-bad-news comment, surprising me and making me gaze at her oddly.

"What?" She said defensively, her eyes locked to mine.

"Why are you so un-excited about our family meeting." I implored.

She shook her head, turning back to her disgusting little gray blob, and refused to look at me or hold my gaze again.

"I, I feel like everyone's separating... You, constantly with your cold metal friend"(My computer) "Mom, with her stupid job" (Photography jobs that sent her around the states) "Steele and Tyde with there stupid football dreams and Dad with his... Well... His aloneness and spacing himself from us."

"Isolation?" I asked, making sure I understood what she was trying to state.

She nodded, looking at me finally. "Yah, isolation..." She said agreeing.

I nodded.

My own personal thoughts were that even though we were a single family unit, I believed that being isolated from one another helped us in achieving our own differences and not becoming one person, but 6 individuals who have there own hobbies and distractions from the everyday foulness of society.

"Yah, I know how you think..." I lied once again.

She nodded, her whole demeanor screamed distracted and caring, along with... A more un characteristic quality, that I couldn't define. From the frown of her mouth, to her hunched shoulders there was a word that seemed to describe her...


Unnoticeable Storm (Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now