Buffy stirs under the fallen bookshelf as the sun sets.

She wakes up and has a hard time even getting out from underneath the bookshelf. She uses all her strength just to move the bookshelf.

She stands and gets her bearings.

"Willow!" She remembers and then she remembers Giles and Xander.

She sprints out of the door.

At the hospital she finds Giles' room empty and Xander gone.

"No!" She screams.

She sprints out. She makes her way through town. She doesn't know where to go, who to turn to, she's at a loss. She's running through town when— Bam!

Octavia runs into her, trucking her. Buffy hits the ground hard.

"What's the matter? Feeling weak? Like all your strength has left your body?" Octavia says.

Buffy gets up slowly. Her whole body weak.

"So I heard that you didn't get a proper Tento Di Cruciamentum." Octavia says. "So I wanted to give you one. Every slayer does it."

Buffy thinks back to the test Giles performed with the muscle relaxer. A horrified look comes across her face. That's why she hurt her hand on the demon.

"It should be kicking in right about now." Octavia says as she kicks her.

"You know the day my watcher performed this test was the day he wasn't my watcher anymore." Octavia says. "I'll let your imagination tell you what that means."

Buffy hits the ground again.

"What did you do to them? Where are they?" Buffy demands.

Octavia gets low to the ground and grabs Buffy by the hair. Buffy winces in pain.

"I'm gonna tell you where they are." Octavia says. "I can't wait to watch you try and fight your way out of this one. Maybe you'll even make it to the final round. All just to fail in front of your friends and watch them die. Or maybe they'll watch you die first."

Octavia lets go of Buffy's hair and stands up.

"And then the next poor sap will become the slayer and end up right where you are. Destined to be squashed like a bug." Octavia says.

"No!" Buffy says.

Buffy jumps up and tries to strike Octavia but she's quickly countered and put back on the floor.

"Don't get fresh." Octavia says.

Buffy spits up blood.

"Your friends are being held in the canto building." Octavia says. "you do know where that is right?"

Buffy nods with a groan.

"Good girl." Octavia says. "See you there, slayer. I do hope you make it there in one piece."

Octavia walks away leaving Buffy on the ground.

The Assassin parkours through the city. He tries to find Buffy but continually has to duck and dodge large patrols of initiative commandos. A few commandos spot him and believe he is a sub terrestrial.

"Sub terrestrial! Fire!"

They fire their electric bolts. The Assassin dodges and parkours his way out of it.

Back on Buffy. Buffy starts running through the town trying to get to the canto building. She doesn't even know if she can beat octavia let alone the order of taraka in her current state but she has to try.

The Creed Part I | A Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now