The Date ~ Part 1

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Only a single day had past since that fateful event, but to you, it felt like weeks.

You sat on the bench at school, eyes wide and books cradled in your arm as you stared ahead. What had even happened yesterday? Was it a mistake? Would Kyoya even utter a word to you after 'the incident'?

You let out a sigh, slightly distressed at the idea of losing your friendship with Kyoya.

"Looks like Fanta World is out of the question." you said, desolate tone in your voice as your gaze dropped to your feet.

"Fanta World..?" A calm voice brought you out of your misery trance and you looked, facing Haruhi's gentle chestnut eyes.

"Hey Haruhi.." you greet her sadly and she frowns, taking a seat beside you.

"School's starting in a couple minutes. Why are you out here alone?" she asked, but today you were too preoccupied with your own Kyoya-thoughts to ponder why a guy like her had such a gay voice, as you usually did.

"I don't know. Something happened yesterday and I don't even know what's going on between me and-" you exclaimed, stopping yourself just in time. Was it right to share this, even if it was to Haruhi?

She let out a laugh. "Kyoya, right."

Your wide (E/C) eyes turned to her in surprise, jaw dropping open. "How did you.."

"Everyone can see it." she said, shrugging nonchalantly. "It's not as if he doesn't hang around you every hour he gets free time." She paused, your eyes as wide as UFO saucers. Was it true? Did he really spend that much time with you? "You know, I'm surprised you cracked him. He seems really cold at first but you seem to have broken through that." she continued, an amused smile on her face as she turned to you.

"What do you suggest I do?" you asked, scrunching your mouth into a grimace. "I don't wanna lose our friendship five-ever. He was like my hamster Ruby. Except there was no grinder incident involving Kyoya.." you added pensively, and Haruhi froze.

"Wait, what?!" She stopped, rolling her eyes. "Just talk to him, (Y/N). If he won't hear you out, I'll speak to him for you."

You bounded up excitedly, (H/C) hair swishing around you. "Are you serious?? You'd do that for me?" you exclaimed as Haruhi paused at your sudden change in heart.

"Of course!" she stood up, giving you a warm smile. "I know how much you two care about each other, and-"

She didn't have time to finish as you squeezed her into a deafeningly tight hug.

"Thank you soooo much!" you squealed, pressing your body against hers as her cheeks reddened from possible asphyxiation.

"Do I feel boobs?" you asked suspiciously, pressing your chest against hers.

"Man boobs!" she said hurriedly, an awkward smile rushing onto her face. You beamed.

"Of course! Keep working out Haruhi, it's doing ya good!" you winked, bouncing away as she paused, raising eyes to the sky and shaking her head. What a peculiar one.

You dashed through the school, laptop tucked underneath that putrid yellow sleeve. The school bell echoed, somehow an unusually comforting sound as you made your way to your first class, none other than Physics.

"Miss (Y/L/N), late again?"

The entire class turned around to look at you, save Kyoya who appeared to be typing away at that blasted computer.

"S-sorry Sir." you mumbled, sitting down at your usual seat next to Kyoya. He didn't say a thing, continuing to type as you huffed, sneakily glancing at him. There was a small leakage mark at the corner of his screen next to the USB port, most likely where you'd poured in the Diet Mountain Dew. Speaking of, you pulled out your water bottle (secretly filled with Mountain Dew) and took a sip, enraptured with Kyoya. Had his pale lips really touched yours yesterday? It seemed too weird to be true. But kind of nice, in a way. All of a sudden, Kyoya looked over and your head fell to your notebook, madly scrawling random words on the page.

"(Y/N), could I have a drink?" he asked lowly, voice slightly masked under the droning or your Physics teacher. You stopped, eyes widening as you shoved him your bottle, eyes glued to the board. If you looked at him, you were probably bound to get visions of the Hamster-Grinder incident - not something you wanted to revisit.

He took a small, quiet sip, passing the bottle back to you with a nod. You grabbed it, cheeks darkening as suddenly you realised the both of you had just performed the fabled indirect kiss.

Afterwhat seemed like forever, the bell rang and you bolted, Kyoya close behind you; just like usual.

"Would this weekend be suitable?" he demanded, striding next to you as you hugged your books embarrassedly to your chest.

"For what?" you asked, sneaking a glance at him to find he was already looking at you.

"Well, I promised I'd take you out, didn't I?"

You stopped in your tracks and he turned around, a few steps ahead of you. "(Y/N)?"

"Oh Kyoya!" you looked up, dramatically flinging your books onto a nearby (conveniently placed) bench and hugging him tightly.

"I thought you were super miffed at me! Oh my gosh Fanta World here I come..." you blurted out, and when you finally let go of him you didn't even notice the faint pink in his cheeks. This was an all-too-familiar scene for the both of you, it seemed.

"I was thinking more the amusement park, since you seem so intrigued by theme parks.." he started, and you nodded excitedly.

"Anything would be fine."

He paused, surprised, and nodded eventually. "Oh.. Alright then. Good." he replied, at a loss for words for your eager enthusiasm. You grinned, nodding and grabbing his hand before letting go of it and dashing to tell Haruhi all about it.

(A/N): Second chapter coming either later today or tomorrow, promise!

Update: Can we get this to 50 votes??? :3

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