Violence Isn't the Answer

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Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun. - Hilaire Belloc




When I stepped back outside, my hoodie reappeared. Geralt stood by Roach with her reins in hand, Marilka long gone. "Come on," Geralt said, motioning with his head as well. I put up my hood and he led the way to the forest just outside of Blaviken.

Once we made it to a small stream, Geralt tied Roach to a tree and went over to the stream. Meanwhile, I stayed by Roach, leaning against a tree, taking the weight off of my left leg. Stregobor's words then rang through my head.

The Hel did he mean by not yet? And why did he call me a crossbreed? Is that what I am? What does he know that I don't?


⚠️Mentions and description of a panic attack and mention of SA⚠️

⚠️You have been warned⚠️


By the end of my panicked thoughts, I was hyperventilating. I found it harder and harder just catching my breath to calm down. It felt like the forest around me was starting to cave in on itself with no way out. My face felt numb and I couldn't see straight.

I felt hands being placed on my shoulders and if the person was talking to me, I couldn't hear them. I couldn't even make out a single word.

However, I felt my hand going to someone's chest. The thump of their heart was extraordinarily slow. Geralt. I focused on his heartbeat, trying to match my breathing to his heart. 

I closed my eyes, becoming very dizzy, my head felt like it was spinning. My hearing was going in and out, only hearing fragments of whatever Geralt was saying.

"Navin- breathe-"


"Vina- do- hear me?"

"Vina, listen to my voice... Breathe." Geralt said. I could finally hear him. "Match your breathing to mine." He instructed. He took in slow, deep breaths and I did my best to match him. "Vina, open your eyes. Tell me four things you can see." Geralt instructed. I opened my eyes and was met with his worried golden ones.

"Come on, tell me four things you can see," Geralt said, getting my attention again. 

"Um... Your eyes. The trees. The stream. And Roach." I said, looking around. 

"Good. Tell me three things you can hear." He instructed. 

"Uh... The wind. The birds singing. And your heartbeat." I said, slowly going back to normal. 

"Now, tell me two things you can smell." He said, his hands still on my shoulders. 

"Uh, herbs and Roach," I said, looking him in the eyes. 

"Tell me one thing you can feel." He said.

I looked at his chest. "Your heartbeat," I said, feeling back to normal. 

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