What did I do?

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"Even the purest cast a black shadow." – Kaitlyn Jones




I squinted at him in confusion then took my long, kinky hair out of the ponytail that it was in, letting it fall around my face. My eyes widened at the sight of it. It was indeed white.

"Holy shit..." I muttered under my breath. 

"Watch it." Geralt scolded. I rolled my eyes at his comment and looked up at him, but something caught my eye. I touched my medallion, looking at the chain around his neck. 

"Where did you get that?" He asked, looking at my medallion.

It was identical to his.



"It was left with me when I was little... This is one of the only things I have from my mother." I said. 

"That a witcher's medallion from-" Geralt started but I finished. 

"The school of the wolf. Ever since the sacking of Kaer Morhen, there hasn't been a new witcher." I said as if I was reading from a textbook. Geralt's eyes glinted with surprise. 

"Which must mean you're a witcher. The medallion. Two swords. Elixirs. And your eyes were previously black." I observed, still sitting on the swamp floor. 

Geralt grunted. "You're smart." He said simply. 

I huffed a dry laugh. "Thanks, I try to be." I said sarcastically, trying to get up.

Geralt went to help me but I held up a hand to stop him. "Let me try." I said stubbornly, trying again only to fall on my ass once more. I sighed in frustration and tried one last time. I made it to my knees but couldn't get up from there. I looked up at Geralt. 

"I need help..." I said under my breath. 

He held out his hand and I grabbed it, slowly being pulled up. 

I groaned when I was finally standing. "You're quite stubborn." Geralt said. 

"I get that a lot." I said, leaning on my right leg to lessen the pressure on my left. Geralt let go of me and went to the kikimora and started to tie it up. "Gross..." I muttered and looked away, my eyes landing on a chestnut mare. I slowly limped my way over to her and put my hand out for her to sniff.

She sniffed my hand and nudged it, I took that as an invitation to pet her snout. She let out a happy whinny and bobbed her head. I smiled softly and pet her neck. As I was petting her, Geralt walked over with the kikimora and put it on the horse's back. 

"What's her name?" I asked, not looking at the creature on her back. 

It was silent for a moment. "Her name is Roach." He said, looking at me, most likely to gauge my reaction. 

I looked at him. "Like the fish?" I asked. 

He nodded. "Like the fish." He said, petting the horse. 

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