Where the Hel am I?

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"Where there is much light, the shadow is deep." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


"Navina, can you tell me the first 11 digits of Pi?" My teacher asked. 

"3.14159265359..." I said, my usual British accent now bored, chin in my hand. 

"Thank you. 2 points for extra credit." She said. 

"What? No fair! You didn't even say that it was gonna be an extra credit question!" A boy in the back of the class said, making me turn my head slightly to look at him. 

"Not like you could have answered it anyway..." I muttered under my breath. 

"What'd you say, foster kid?!" He said, standing up and glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and put my eyes back on my teacher. I cannot wait till this period is over... 

"Don't call them that, Justin!" My teacher scolded him.

"No, it's alright... He's not wrong... But," I started, turning to look at Justin. "Before you want to get your panties in a twist, just remember, Justin, that she asked me because I study, actually do the homework and turn it in on time, and ace the quizzes that she gives. Maybe she wanted me to say the answer so that everyone else would have a fair chance during today's lesson." I said, looking him straight in the eyes the whole time. 

His expression turned embarrassed and he sat down, his friends snickering at him. 

"Yes, thank you for that Navina. Anyway back to the rest of the lesson-" My teacher started before she was interrupted by the bell.

I packed my things quickly and walked to my next and last class, history, one of my favorite subjects. I walked into class first, as always. "Miss Toft, how is it that you always get to class first? Are you excited to learn about the most boring subject?" My teacher, Mr. Asher, asked. 

"Well, my last class is only down the hall, and yes, I'm always excited to learn about our history. It's more interesting than the present." I said, taking my seat at the back of the class, closest to the window. 

"That it is, Navi." Mr. Asher said, nodding at me and greeting my peers who walked in. When everyone settled down, Mr. Asher sat at his desk.

"So, it's Friday and I have papers I need to grade from all of your tests, so you may do some work for another class or read from your textbooks, just keep the noise to a minimum." He said, starting to grade the large stack of papers at his desk. 

I huffed a quiet laugh and pulled out my textbook, wanting to read more of the history of what used to be the Continent. As I read, a faint look of awe settled on my face. I found it interesting that Kingdoms, Mages, and Elves were much more prominent then than now.

I also found the different 'schools' interesting. Aretuza. The Order of the Witchers. The School of the Griffin. The School of the Manticore. The School of the Viper.

And, my personal favorite, the School of the Wolf.

I couldn't tell you why, but I felt like I had somewhat of a special connection to it. I touched the wolf medallion that was resting around my neck gently, a faint smile gracing my features for only a moment. 

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