I was in class. Our class was a seventy seater one. Tables and chairs were packed so close together that if anyone were to enter, you would not notice if you were seated in front. I was in front. Having studied the numbers, I closed the text book as I gave myself a little exercise. I tried the first number on the black board. I got stack before I could finish. My hands dropped freely in disappointment. I tried a second and a third time, all going down the drain.

I was on the brink of giving up, when I heard a voice behind me." Can I help you with that?"the voice asked. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around. My eyes widened. It was a boy. He was a bit shorter than me, but from a distance I could tell that he was handsome. I stammered," h...h...hi. you scared the hell out of me."

He walked towards the black board. I was able to make out his features well when he got closer . He had a round face with tight jaw lines. His colour, how can I describe it? He was too light skinned to be an African. His lips were a moist pink. I was out of words. I blushed. He smirked," uhm, I have been watching you for the last twenty minutes. It seems you have a problem with vectors."
" If you don't mind, I would like to help you. There is a simple formular I used to use in o level.

Juliet smiled benignly as she stepped aside from the black board. She sat on a chair, quietly watching him as he simplified the concepts she had found so hard to comprehend.

The way he explained them, to her he was far better than her teacher. The bell rang. It was time for the recital of the rosary. It was he school program she hated the most.if she had a choice, she would never leave the class for such a program.

Students scattered from the shade to classes. We were to sit for night preps from seven until nine thirty. I was reluctantly walking with Mary, when someone lightly brushed my casual t shirt, sending a slight tickle up my arm. I turned. It was the same boy who had helped me a few minutes back. I grinned.," Hi.....!"

He smiled." Sorry about that. I forgot to take your name "

" I would like to be your friend."

I smiled faintly " Lagum Juliet . And you?"

He smiled more to himself." Franklyn Aine Muntu"

I checked if Mary was still waiting for me. She stood at the foot of the pulpit. " Well, Franklyn. " I said, pausing for a second or two thinking of what to say to him, " I think we shall catch up later and talk. It's time for preps and I have a lot of reading to do."

He smiled. " I look forward to seeing you again.,"

" Me too. " I replied, turning my attention to Mary. Together we walked off to class.

That evening the girls were at it again. Mary said to a girl called Annet," oh my God Annet did you see his lips?"

" Guy is so hot!"

Annet, a stout Muganda girl was quick to get to my side. She smiled, playfully rubbing my shaved head." We saw you talking to the boy. "

" How did you know him?"

I smiled, crossing my arms in amusement." So that's the boy you girls have been blabbering about for close to a week?"
" Well, I have bad news for you girls."

All their attention was turned to me. They were more serious than they had ever been in a lesson. " He doesn't seem to be the kind of boy who would ask a fly out.'

Laughter erupted in the room." The boy has money. Many girls worship at his feet just to have a piece of him." A tall slender girl whose work was to roam around the famous boys in school chipped in. Her name was Rachel.

I chuckled, unintentionally annoying the girls." You girls are wasting your time."

" Franklyn cannot hold a conversation with a girl for more than ten minutes. Trust me, he nearly peed in his pants as we spoke."

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