𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟷

16 1 0

A/N ~ Slight Cussing 


"Uhm, what're you guys doin'?" 

Seungmin shuffled his feet uncomfortably, eyes darting from Minho's to yours. Uncertain of how much he saw you took Seungmin's hand, leaving Lee Known in the background. 


Sitting around the lunch table was awkward, to say the least. The tension between Seungmin, Minho, and yourself grew within the slowing moments. You played with your skirt trying not to make eye contact with them. The flashing lights of the arcade helped distract you from them as steaming hot pizza attracted the rest of the boys. Minutes passed and you still haven't grabbed a slice, which caught someone's attention. 

"Hey, aren't you hungry?" Han tapped you on the shoulder, whispering in your ear. You shook your head starting to move from your seat.

"I'm going to step out for a little," You told Chan, waving back at him. 


When you didn't return for a while Seungmin got up to look for you. Where is she... He started to adventure around the arcade, an open staircase catching his attention. Curiously he opened the door revealing you, sitting on the stairs with your head in your hands. Seungmin sighed before putting his hands in his pockets and walking over plopping himself next to you on the stairs. It stayed silent for a moment before he started to glance at you. "Why are yo-" Seungmin started before you cut him off.

"Why do you care?" You said irritated, barely glancing at him. Seungmin shifted uncomfortably, moving slightly closer to you. He tried to put his arm around you but you pulled away. Your actions started to make him frustrated, but he kept a calm expression. 

"I'm just trying to see if your okay.." He said trying to get close again. Suddenly you stood up, making him almost fall back on the stairs. "What did I do?" He said, his tone has a slight irritation. 

"Just leave me the fuck alone.." You said before pushing your way through the doors, leading to the arcade room again. Seungmin scoffed before rising and following you. The two of you walked down the arcade before you were in eye's length of the rest of the group. Seungmin began to finally show his emotion, grabbing your arm and turning you towards him. 

"What did I do!" He said looking into your eyes angrily. His sudden outburst caused a few heads to turn from the table. You don't respond and he speaks again, "All I'm doing is being a good friend!" Seungmin stopped, letting go of your arm. Bang Chan and Han started to stare, also alerting the rest of the group. Jeongin watched closely, making him realize the two of you were fighting. 

"Watch out, move." Jeongin said, but everyone was so focused they didn't hear him.

"I'm always here for you! Why aren't you talking to me?!" Seungmin began to raise his voice and you stared into his eyes angrily. 

"Because I don't want to talk to you!" You started to yell back, it was a petty response but you truly had no intention of talking to him. Seungmin scoffed in return. 

"Why not! I haven't done anything to you!" You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. 

Bang Chan became alert seeing the situation escalate. Jeongin finally pushed his way through the boys, starting to run over to the two of you. "What the fuck is happening?" Jeongin said, seeing the boiling tension between Seungmin and yourself. 

"It's none of your damn business.." You said suddenly and Seungmin's blood started to boil. 

"I don't get your fucking deal! You can talk with me, you always have!" Jeongin's eyes filled with worry looking at what was happening in front of him. Hyunjin got out of the booth, Changbin and Minho followed closely behind. "You know I care for you...right?" Seungmin softened, putting his hand on your arm trying to execute a comforting action. 

Your heart stopped before you looked at him with an angry undertone. Before anything you tried to stay calm, but you couldn't handle the overwhelming  feelings. "Why, why!" You yelled at him fiercely, "Why do you care about me so much? Huh!?" Seungmin looked at you, pissed off. "Why do you care so much about my fucking feelings!" You threw his hand off of your arm. Your emotions started to rise before you said something you would regret. 

"Y-your NOT MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND ANYMORE!" You push him harshly, making him stumble backwards. 

Everyone stopped in their tracks and Jeongin's eyes went into panic. The secret was out, no one except the three of you knew about this. After you pushed Seungmin, Chan stepped to you trying to take a hold on you. "What the hell!" Seungmin glared at you and pushed you back. "All I'm trying to do is be a good fucking friend towards you!" He scoffed before continuing to yell. "Your gonna destroy our friendship over a fucking crush!" Seungmin indirectly pointed at Minho. His action made you finally tip over the edge.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" You threw a punch at him and it connected with his cheek. Instantly, Seungmin threw one at you cutting a piece of your skin under your eye. 

The rest of the group tried to stop the two of you but it was no use. You threw another punch, Seungmin getting hit on the shoulder. Seungmin pushed you backed, making you stumbling to the ground. "What I know is that this fucking boy is getting in the way of our connection!" You got up and gripped his hair, pushing him. 

"You're just jealous! You've always been." You yelled letting go of him, a cut on his upper right forehead revealed itself. You both looked at each other, blood started to drip down the small wounds. It made everything stop for you two, realizing what happened. You looked at Seungmin and he looked at you regret filling your eyes. Before the feeling of guilt poured over, your expressions changed, an angry undertone covered the regret. 

The blood drip made everyone jump in, Changbin went behind you and put your arms behind your back and Hyunjin followed but with Seungmin. Jeongin pushed the both of you away from each other, starting to yell. "What's wrong with the both of you! You've been friends for way too damn long. Separate and get the fuck out of here! Screw on your damn heads, this is bullshit." Jeongin fumed. 

Minho went beside you and took you by the arm. "C'mon let's go to the car." Seungmin scoffed, glaring at him.

"Of course you need your fucking boyfriend" Seungmin exclaimed. Minho turned around, charging Seungmin, pushing him backward. Seungmin fell to the ground and sent daggers to him. 

"Don't speak to her like that.. asshole." Minho replied coldly before returning to you, grabbing your hand and leading you outside of the arcade. 


Inside the car it was you with Minho beside you. Chan was driving and Changbin was in the front with him. The car was silent and the destination was back to Hyunjin's place, the only noise was the faint sound of breathing. Minho rested his hand on your thigh and carefully caressed it in a comforting way. Seungmin and yourself have never fought before, let alone physically. You put your head on the window, thinking to yourself.. 

What the hell just happened... 

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