𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻

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A/N ~ Slight Cussing


You could feel the audiences jaw's drop. At the same time you could feel your heart beating faster. Feeling embarrassed you tried to pull away causing his grip to become stronger. Your eyes started wandering, not being able to focus on the task assigned to you. Minho tugged on your chin, making you look at him. "No." His eyes directed you. He fixed his focus back on the egg, slowly tilting his head until.. 'Plop'  The egg landed perfectly onto your spoon. Even with the egg in your possession his hand didn't budge off of your chin. Minho looked into your eyes, slightly smirking making you almost drop the egg. Clearing your head, you gained your focus turning to Changbin to end the game. 

In total, the game took about 40 minutes, leaving everyone hungry and a bit exhausted. The cheers of the end distracted everyone from the events that happened only minutes ago. Your heart finally slowed, leaving you to celebrate with the rest of your group. 

Moving over to congratulate Minho, you looked at his chest unable to make eye contact. "Thanks for the little..." You paused for a second, burning up again. "..help?" Your tone made it sound more like a question than a statement. Lee Know chuckled a little before beginning his own statement.

"Don't worry," He leaned in closer, leaving only a few inches between you two, "..it was fun anyways," Minho winked at you, then walked away going to high five Han. 

"What. was. that!" Jeongin pushed you from behind, giggling like a school girl. You turned, trying not to make eye contact. 

"What was what? Nothing happened," You found your cool again before rolling your eyes at him. "Your seeing things again dude," Jeongin just shoved you again before leaving you alone with your thoughts. Goddamn.. What am I going to do with this boy. You looked at the back of Minho's head, shaking your head in the process. 


Bang Chan was in the kitchen cooking dinner while I.N, Seungmin, and yourself sat in Hyunjin's game room. Valorant made the console buzz to life, leaving the three of you until it fully loaded. Your head was resting on Jeongin's lap as he played with your hair. 

"Ya know," Seungmin interrupted the silence, "Instead of just sitting here watching me play, we could talk about what the hell happened during that egg game.." Your eyes connected with the upside-down figure.

"I'd definitely rather watch you play," You said, Jeongin still tugging on your hair while chuckling.

"i DoUbT aNyThInG WiLl hApPeN anYwAyS.. she said while we were in the car," Jeongin mocked you. Seungmin chuckled at his poor impression of you.

"Ya. And nothing did, it was just a game!" You said not convincing yourself, let alone your best friends. They gave you a stare making you confess, "Okay, well maybe something did happen..." Jeongin smiled down at you, "but then again it was just a game!" 

"That is totally not 'game-like' conduct though!" Seungmin said looking at Jeongin for support. 

"Yah, exactly like Seungmin said! There is no way someone would do that for a sake of a game," He paused checking your reaction. 

"But think about it, there's no way he likes me! We've known each other for a little over a year and he's shown little to no interest in me.." Your eyes darted to each boy. 

"Until now at least," Seungmin looked into your eyes giving his serious face, "I mean how could someone not like you? Minho would be an idiot to pass over you. It's like passing a dog on the streets and not giving them something to eat!" You and Jeongin laughed at his comparison. Your mind started to wander thinking about the possibilities. It's just not possible.. I.N opened his mouth to speak.

"For real, I mean we've known you since middle school. There is basically no reason not to like you!" Jeongin huffed, starting to braid small strands of your hair.

"Aw, thanks baby bread.. But we're talking about Minho, the stone cold faced king of our group!" Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Okay and? There are so many signs from tonight that it's a possibility!" You looked up, shifting your position in I.N's lap. 

"I don't know it just seems weird that it's all starting tonight. It has to be some game he's playing or something..." You huffed thinking about your words. 

"You won't really know until you ask him.. or confess your feelings to him," You looked at Seungmin and Jeongin, both were confused looking for the voice who said that. Behind them on the stairs Changbin stood, looking down at his phone. 

"How long have you been standing there?" Minnie's eyes looked into Changbin's expressionless face. 

"Since the beginning for the most part," Changbin walked down to sit next to Seungmin. "Jeongin's right though, your so lovable..." You got up, looking at Changbin offering an awkward smile. 

"Thanks... I guess," You looked down to the ground, tracing faces into the carpet. 

"If you're just avoiding him because you think that it's not possible, it'll never happen.." Changbin looked up from his phone, "You only live once so might as well," He offered a comforting smile.

"Exactly, my love, if Minho really doesn't like you..." I.N paused smiling, "I know where he lives soo." The 4 of you laughed lightly, moving away from the topic. 

"So, who's ready to eat?" Seungmin finished his game, ending in 1st. 

"Oh I'm so down!" Changbin got up first, Jeongin getting up following closely behind him. You sat on the floor at little bit longer, Minnie staying back to wait for you. 

"You can go if you want, I'll be up there in a minute. Just say I am using the bathroom or something.." You continued to look at like ground, your thoughts overcoming you. Seungmin walked closer to you, kneeling down to meet your eye level. 

"I'm not trying to leave you down here by yourself," He paused taking a glance at the room, "Kinda scary down here to be honest.." You chuckled a bit. Still looking down at the ground nervously, he grabbed your chin making you look up at him. Your eyes said all that needed to. They were becoming watery while looking at your friend's sympathetic face. "Don't hit me with your tears please, you know how I feel when you do that to me!" Seungmin's puppy eyes hit you like a truck. 

"I just don't know what it is.. I'm so confused and I can't do much about it," A small tear fell down your face. The overwhelming mix of emotions got to you. Seungmin looked up trying to stop his eyes from watering. 

"Honestly, I can't see why you're so upset.." He looked back down softening his expression, "Minho is just another stupid fucker that would be absolutely idiotic to not love you like the way Jeongin and I do," Minnie looked deep into your eyes, his eyes watering seeing the pain you were in.  He smiled before continuing, "Besides even if it turned out he was just messing with you, I have your back no matter what. Jeongin may not understand how your feelings work, but I can and I'll be here waiting when your not able to do things yourself.  No matter what happens, I'll be in the background cheering you on, and comforting you if you cry," He pulled you up, pulling you into a heartfelt hug. "F-forever," His voice started to break, "until the day I die," You hugged him tighter, sobbing into his chest.

"Th-thank you Minnie.." You responded. Seungmin stood there with you in his arms, sheading small tears. Pulling away, he put his hands on your shoulders and kissed your forehead lightly.

"That's what friends are for, princess," His nickname made you smile instantly. You knew it was an important time when he used it. Seungmin wiped his hands over your cheeks, clearing your tears. "Okay, now you ready to eat?" Minnie smiled and put his arm around you directing you to the stairs. 

"Duh!" You both laughed hopping up the stairs together. That was when you and Seungmin knew, nothing was going to break the friendship you had. Not even death itself.


A/N ~ I love the relationship between you and Seungmin right now!! A lot of people will take it the wrong way thinking this will become a Seungmin x reader book, but I promise it takes a turn. If you do want the version where you end up with him, do tell me and I'll get on it right away! Thank you for reading up to Part 5! I will try my best to create more chapters! FIGHTING~! 

One Night Away | Lee MinhoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora