Chapter 6

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Sorry I forgot to post yesterday 🙈

I've been free styling for the past 10 minutes. I see Izaiah walking towards me wobbling a bit. When he gets to me he raises his hands to show me he wants me to pick him up. I do so and he holds my face in his hands.
"Lyrii." He whispers into my ear.
"Sissy's friends weird." He says and I start laughing.
"What do you mean iza?" I ask him.
"They just weird. They look like real life barbies." He says. I used to be obsessed with barbies so he's seen quite a few and he knows what they look like. We didn't buy the barbies oh no. I "borrowed" them off my friends.
"They do look like real life barbies your right!" I exclaim making him smile and be proud of himself. He just giggles to himself.
"Lyric and Izaiah Parris please?" An officer calls. He obviously does not know what we look like. Our ages. Or anything about us other then our age. I look at Nikita helplessly and she just nods again. I walk towards the officer with Izaiah in hand. When the man realises it's us. He starts walking towards us. Presumably to talk to us. Well dapper wasn't having and jumped up from his cozy laying position in nikitas boot and stands infront of us.
"That's you?" The man asks.
"Why else would we be stood here?"
"Don't get bad attitude with me."
"Don't ask stupid questions."
"I know your scared..."
"No you don't. You don't know anything about us."
"Stop with the back chat."
"That's how a conversation works smart ass."
"I swear I will.."
"What you gonna do?"
"I will... uhh...."
"Exactly nothing now why do you want us?"
"I said before stop with the attitude."
"And I also said I don't have an attitude." This goes back and forth for a while before the man storms off. Probably to get someone else to do his job because he can't.
"What happened there?" Nikita asks me.
"Sissy be silly." Izaiah says laughing.
Nikita just glares at me.
"He asked stupid questions." I reason.
"LYRIC PARRIS! IZAIAH PARRIS!" A different man yells. I just scoff and walk over to him.
"Did your mother never teach you manners?" He says this and I tense up immediately. I walk over to Nikita and hand Izaiah to her. I then go over to a wall and I beat the living shit out of that wall.
"FUCK YOU MOM!" I yell as I carry on hitting it and letting out all my anger on it. When I finally stop my knuckles are bleeding and bruised.
"Your lucky that's not you." I say to the man who asked about my mother. Why not next time he read my fucking file.

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