Chapter 2

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From Nikita's View

I'm sat around a table right now with the whole England team. My phone rings and an unknown number flashes across the front of the screen. I stand up and walk away from the table to answer the call.

*the call from Lyrics pov in the previous chapter. Go back if you want to see it.*

For fuck sake. I rush to the table and start chucking everything in my bag. I take some money out of my purse.
"I have to go I'm sorry. Here's the money for mine. Tell them to keep the change." I rush out.
"Where you going?" Someone says but I don't answer as i am too busy trying to order a taxi.
"Nikita! NIKITA!" Leah says as she finally touches my arm and makes me look at her. "What's up?"
"Uh it's just my sister. Sorry one sec I need to order a taxi." I say rushed.
"No no we will take you anywhere you need to go. What's up with Natasha?" Leah asks.
"Not Natasha my other sister." I reply.
"You have other siblings?" Leah says confused.
"Yeah quite a few. Now look I'm sorry but I really need to order a taxi."
"No chance like I said before someone will take you. HEY YOU LOT WHO TOOK A CAR HERE?" Leah shouts causing a scene. Three people raise their hands.
"Whose finished there food?" Leah asks and only Keira says me.
"Ok kei can you take Keets to her sisters school." Leah asks.
"Of course I can." Keira replies.
"No you don't have to do that the area is quite rough." I but in.
"Then I'll go too." Leah says and they both nod.
"Alright. Let's go then."

Back to Lyrics View

I sit in the office bored as ever. I called Nikita around 40 minutes ago. She should be here by now. Oh she is. A knock of 3 booms around the classroom. Then the headteacher says enter and my sister enters the room.
"Nikita Parris is it?" My headteacher asks bored.
"The one and only."
"Sign here and you can take your sister away." He says taking a sip from his coffee cup. Nikita signs then grabs mr bag and we leave.
"Now your gonna tell me what the hell you were doing in there." She says. We're only in the corridor right now but Nikita is on the verge of screaming at me. She's pissed for real.
"Daydreaming in class." I say.
"And why did someone over 18 have to come get you?" She speaks.
"Cause it was my third time this week." I say.
"I know I know." I mutter.
"Alright look I'm not mad I'm sorry." She says.
"It's ok. Sorry for interrupting your dinner I know I shouldn't of called you it's just." I start.
"Lyric no. You can call me whenever you want." She says.
"Just so you know two of my teammates are in the car." She says.
"Who?" I ask.
"You know Leah Williamson and Keira Walsh." I just nod.
"Okay." Nikita keeps hold of my backpack and we walk outside. She puts a hand on my shoulder and leads me to the car. She opens the back door for me and I climb in. I'm sat next to Leah Williamson and my sister goes and sits in the front next to Keira Walsh who is driving.
"Where shall I go?" Keira asks.
"We need to get Izaiah." I say and Nikita nods.
"Just turn right." Nikita says to Keira. I look out the window and just try and avoid conversation. When we get to the nursery Keira parks up and me and Nikita get out. I sign for him then I go and get him.
"LYRI!" He shouts when he sees me. He runs up to me and I pick him up.
"Hey iza. Look whose here." I say and I point to Nikita.
"Kitaaa!" He says as he's still in my arms. I walk over to her and she says hi. I then put him down and he holds my hand.
"There's no car seat so he can just sit in the middle seat. I'll put my arm across him." I say and Nikita nods. When we get to the car I open the door. I lift Izaiah up and I place him in the car. Then I get in. I put the seatbelt across Izaiah and then put my arm across him.
"Where to now?" Nikita asks.
"Just take us home." I say and she nods then she starts directing Keira to our house. As we get close to our house I make sure to get my bag ready. Just so you know it's a bullet proof bag and I put it in front of Izaiah.
"What you doing?" Nikita asks.
"Bullet proof bag." I say and I see the colour drain from Leah's Nikita's and Keira's face. "Probably nothing will happen but I'm not taking any chances again." I say. Nikita nods but I can tell she's not ok. Then she pulls up at our front door and there are over 10 cars there.
"Whose are those cars?" Nikita asks protectively.
"The boys and there friends. Come on Izaiah." I say to him as I pick him up.
"I'm coming in with you." Nikita says and I shake my head.
"No your not." I reply and that confuses the 3 women.
"Yes I am." She says.
"No your fucking not." I say.
"Language. And yes I am coming in with you." She says.
"Im not letting you die today. Your not coming in." I say but when I realise what I said I instantly regret it.
"What do you mean?" Nikita asks.
"Forget it." I say as I shut the door and walk into my house. When I walk in I see one of my brothers friends come into view with a gun.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" He says with a gun in mine and Izaiahs face. I turn Izaiah around so his face is facing me.
"Shift. Don't start talking badman and let me in." I say.
"Listen girl. If I were you I'd watch what your saying." He says and I just laugh in his face. Then I notice another gut come in.
"Bro what the fuck doin?" The guy I recognise to be King. Maliks best mate and the guy who helped him stab my bully. "They live here! There the boys siblings!" He yells and the other guy drops his gun.
"That's what I thought. Pathetic." I say as I walk past him. I hear him catch up to me with a knife in his hand.
"JAHARI!" I yell and almost half the gang including my brothers enter. 3 shots and the guy who was threatening me is on the ground dead. That's when I see Nikita storm into the room and all guns in view on my sister.
"Jahari. Nalo. Zaire." She says.
"Everyone put your fucking guns down." Nalo says and they all listen.
"Nikita what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" Zaire says.
"Zaire your 16! And already involved in this shit." Nikita shouts.
"Lyric it's fine. Just go to your room yeah and bring Izaiah too." Jahari says pointing to Izaiah whose covering his ears and hiding his face in my shoulder.
"Fine but if you do anything to her. I swear to god." I say and he brushes me off.
"I would never let anyone hurt her." He says and I nod. Then I carry Izaiah up to my room. I put my headphones on him and put Henry Danger on the ipad. Then I sit down and look outside through the window. I see Leah and Keira in the car looking panicked. Probably because they heard gun shots. I see rats scurrying along the path. I see  teenage boys spray painting walls. I see barbers with music. I see cop cars. Wait I see cop cars. I go downstairs carefully leaving Izaiah where he is.
"Cops are here." I say. Zaire nods and goes and tells the others. I go up to my room and look back out the window. I see Nikita leaving annoyed and I see the cops coming towards my house. Probably because the number of cars on my drive is suspicious . I see one of the white cops go and knock on the door and I see Nalo open it.

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