Buffy: "Well, Octavia seems to be scared off by the commandos so maybe I'll let them take the lead while I go out."

Giles: "Have you thought that maybe Octavia hasn't shown herself because she doesn't want to. She could still be up to something."

Buffy : "Giles, I live in a dorm now. The girls in my hall want to party, And I need some cheering up."

Giles gives up.

Xander : "Right, how are you doing?"

Buffy : (Cutting off Xander.) "I'm dealing. It's hard. Ergo, party. You two can take patrol. Maybe find mr. Assassin to help. If anything really really bad happens you can come and get me okay? Does that work?"

The two nod.

Buffy: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find something slutty to wear tonight."

Buffy struts out of the apartment.

Riley is talking to Forrest and Graham in their dorm, and he's throwing a frizbee back and forth between another guy. They're still discussing the Buffy situation.

Riley : "Yeah, but she's nuts."

Forrest : "Hey, Parker!"

Parker has entered the dorm.

Parker : "Forrest. What's up, man?"

Forrest : "What's the scoop on Buffy Summers? Is she cool?"

Parker : "Buffy? Yeah, she's all right, I guess. I mean, kind of whiney."

Forrest : "How's that?"

Parker : "Well, you know, clingy. I mean, we got a little physical-- Uh, well, fully physical, and then she's all over me, you know, like we're betrothed or something."

Forrest : "No, but fun was had, yeah?"

Parker : [Laughs] "oh, yeah. The word is stamina. I mean, definitely a bunny in the sack, but later on, well. You know the difference between a freshman girl and a toilet seat? A toilet seat doesn't follow you around after you use it."

Riley decks Parker who hits the floor.


Riley Forrest and Graham walking out and away from where he just hit Parker.

Riley : "I can't believe that I did that."

Forrest : "Welcome to the club. Do you have any idea how much trouble you could have gotten into? If parker reported you--"

Graham : "He won't, he's too embarrassed."

Riley : "I hit him."

Forrest : "What the hell for?

Riley : "He--he was just being so crude."

Forrest : "Please. You've heard me say much grosser things than that."

Riley : "And most of those are about your own mother."

Riley laughes and Forrest jokingly smacks him on the back of the head.

Riley stops abruptly.

Forrest : "What is it?"

Riley : "I just didn't like hearing him (he pauses thoughtfully) talk about buffy that way. I think I... Well, I guess I like her."

Forrest : You're kind of like a moron."

Riley : "So, you... You knew that I had feelings for her."

Forrest : "Everybody knows, man. She's peculiar? Dead giveaway, buddy."

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