"I'm actually kinda nervous for them." My hands start to get shaky from the nerves I'm getting.

"Mia they will do fine," Alexis reassures me.

"I hope so."

We spend a little bit talking until Gracie comes back with some food. After we eat, we all go to the bathroom before the game starts.

The teams does there warmups and so does the other. They split the court in half so both teams could warmup at the same time to save time.

The teams both get introduced by the announcer and they all shake hands and huddle in their separate groups.

For some odd reason Ace leaves. He left the team huddle which is extremely wrong.

"Ace why are you here go back to your coach," I say worried.

"Don't worry about me, I just needed my good luck charm." He tilts my chin up and pulls me in for a kiss.

That moment felt like it lasted for eternity, but it reality it was only lasted for a second.

Then he ran back over to his team and now the game has started and I have two girls beside me who are blushing like children.


They won!

They freaking won!

We rushed to the court and tried to get through the swarms of people and find Blake and Ace.

"I see them," Alexis takes our hands and drags us to where the boys are.

"Congrats champ," I say.

Ace gives me a smirky look before smashing his lips onto mine.

"Now what was that for." I give him the same smirky look but cuter version of it.

"I know what you were doing," he says.

"What was I doing, because if you know then please tell me."

"You were eye fucking me the whole game, that almost made us loose by the way," he says.

"At least it was you and not Jordan," I say.

"Hmmm, I do not like this attitude of yours." His voice became more stern after the mention of Jordan.

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it." I stand on my tippy toes but even with that, I can't reach chin level.

"You'll see when we get home." He bent down to whisper.

"Can we please move away from the I'm gonna fuck you comments," Alexis says.

"Yeah what's the plan," I ask

"Well, how about we take a trip to the coffee house to celebrate this win," Gracie states.

"Sure, first us boys gotta change and shower because we stink," Blake says.

"You're right about that one. See ya in a bit."


"If they don't come out in the next minute or two I am gonna kill them," Alexis says.

"Alexis what if it was us, how would they be feeling," I ask.

"They would be feeling the same way but since they are boys they wouldn't admit how they feel," she says.

"Whatever." The boys have been taking forever and I am getting impatient. Almost the entire school is empty by now, so I wonder what's keeping them?

"Finally." Alexis sighs in relief. "You guys take too long."

"Yeah, we know. we wanted to see how pist you would get, considering the fact that Mia could never get mad," Blake says.

"You don't know that," I say.

"Uhh, I think I do," he replies back.

"Whatever let's go eat I am starving," I say.

"Agreed," Gracie says.

"Where did you come from," Blake says in shock, from Gracies random appearance.

"I swear guys don't notice anything these days," she she whines.

Gracie hasn't been able to get a guy for over two months. So the fact that she already has to be around the two couples almost every day drains her mental capacity.


"So in your opinion how did you guys think you did?"

"Well, I think there were a few things we could work on like the passing and more teamwork on and off the court. Don't you agree Blake," Ace asks.

"Yep, I also think the people shouldn't be eye fucking each other, it makes our players not focused which is a key part of the sport you play," Blake says.

"You can't diss my girl when yours did the same thing," Ace replies back.

"Fine," Blake grumbles under his breath.

"So have you guys thought about prom plans yet," Alexis asks.

When she mentioned prom I could see a bit of happiness get removed from Ace's eyes.

"No not really why," Blake asks.

"I don't know I thought you and Ace would've talked about it by now," she says.

"Nope we haven't mentioned it until now," he says.

"Oh okay," she says.

"Don't be sad, I didn't want to say anything but since you brought it up we have talked about it and I am planning on asking you but I won't tell you when," he says. Alexis instantly has a smile plastered all around her face.

"Ace are you gonna ask Mia," Alexis says.

"It's a secret," he says.

"What's a secret?"

"If I am gonna ask her or not," he says.

"Got it," she says and gives him a low-key wink.

We spent the next couple of minutes talking about school, prom, and the makeup work we had to do. I can't believe that in the next month, I won't be around these people a lot. We end school in four weeks and graduate in six weeks. Then prom is in seven weeks. These people made me laugh, and smile and brought so much joy and memories to my life.

Thank you guys so much for 6k reads. I love each and every one of you. We only have a couple more chapters until the book is over. Which is so sad because I love all of these character and writing!!!

A surprise announcement will happen at the end of the whole book. So stay tuned!!! It might happen earlier!!

Word count: 1,475

The Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora