Star (star story prologue)

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Once there was a star. She glowed bright with life, shining in space, far far away from the earth. Though she was far away, she could still hear the sounds of the humans. All day and all night she heard sounds that made others want to move further away from Earth, but made the bright star want to move closer.

She wanted to see what she was hearing, to play games, to talk with others. She always wanted to talk to others...

The bright star would always try to talk to the others stars around her. Some would reluctantly respond answering her questions like on how humans and animals looked, but most wouldn't. Not wanting all the noise. They wanted to move away from her too.

Eventually many years came to pass and the stars gradually moved away from the bright star and all the sounds of her and the earth as well. She was all alone. She hated the feeling of being all alone...

The bright star eventually became accustomed to being alone, as much as she hated it. The only sound she had was the sound of the humans. Their laughter, screams, all the sounds she heard were so interesting. That fueled her NEED to see what all the sounds were coming from. To be on earth too.

She tried for years, listening, and trying to make herself a human form. To go to earth. Her want soon turned into obsession, as the sounds started to fuel her anger as well. Her anger of being alone.

Soon the bright star's light started to fade, and fade, and fade. Till she was just a dim light in space, a dim light that no one could see in the night, a dim light that was ready to give up...

The now dim star was about to give up on her dream, about to die. She was smaller, dull, and sad. But, something changed.

She doesn't know how, but in the last moments of dimly shining a hand reached out to her. And a god like entity finally answered her, and fulfilled her wish.

She took the hand that reached out, and at first there was a painful burning sensation. As soon as the pain left she felt as if she was just flicked, and was flung straight to earth. She got the ground in a desolate area where only animals lived... but she felt different.

She looked different. "Two legs, two arms, hair only on the top of my head. I am human!" She thought, by the description given by other stars when they were around her. Though she was a little different than the description, but they were so far away how could they get everything right. Though it is a bit strange that they missed a detail that's right on the top of their heads. It doesn't matter anyway. She was happy

So with joy at her wish being fulfilled she set off to find people, animals, and everything she could hear but not see when stuck in space.

There was an entire world out there, And she was so excited to see all of it!

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