On the edge of darkness-2

Start from the beginning

He see his senior sitting in the centre beside Knott and another doctor on left side which he don't know his name oh!it was Dr. phana and Dr.forth, he read name tags. They offer chairs for all the four members, taking their seats they hands their resumes to the interviewing doctors.

Kongpob waiting for his senior and Knott to recognize him, they both were not ready to give any attention to Kongpob, it was totally an unfamiliar atmosphere even though they knew each other, Kongpob felt like a stranger its subsisting him with some unknow feeling he breaths with restlessness as the doctors are checking their resumes and Knott tried to smile kongpob was too worried to understand what Knott was saying him.

"Introduce..." In the silent room Dr.Phana soft yet audible voice was echoed in the room, he motions his head to the candidates sitting in the front row

one by one all the four introduced their names and specialization and why they are interested In a particular subject, the doctors were impressed with the way how the juniors select their subject of interest and the way they answer and all the senior doctors gives them a cheering smile to relax them.

Even though Kongpob speak out and his resume was laid down, Arthit and Knott they don't happen to subsist a slight hint of familiarity to Kongpob, do they forgot who Kongpob is! Don't they remember about the junior whom they adored, the sudden thought was making him feel hurt, do Arthit don't even remember Kongpob face! May be he is not something worth to remember? Actually it happens for good, arthit did moved on, now he had his own career and responsible job on his shoulders now wonder that still arthit shall remember some painful past, kongpob felt a sting of pain yet he breaths making himself stable with his thoughts, arthit is good that is all he wants to see and he did, he is happy with this.

"... Kongpob?"when Kongpob is in his own thoughts he hears Arthit voice out

listening to his arthit voice calling his name he could not believe his own ears to hear the voice, as last second he happens to be in deep thoughts about Arthit not recognizing him, now that he hear Arthit calling out his name, it transpires him with anxiousness with unknown emotions flowing threw him, turning him limp, his smile fade away when he realises with what Arthit is asking for 'who is Kongpob!' that make him fall into deep thoughts

Out of all, at least he is able to see, his senior, who turned out to be a great surgeon such a great doctor in-fact a surgeon like how arthit would always share with Kongpob. It must be tough for him to get into this position 'how could he remember me! I made his heartbreak once. I am not any good memory for him to cherish me for years! He did good at forgetting me that is all for good.

May is nudging Kongpob elbow to get his presence, then he came to his senses, answering "Sir.r, it's me .... Kongpob.b," he said with a not so sure voice cause he was totally in a dilemma he could not code what is going on! When thoughts were happening somewhere else.

"... day dreaming!"

For the first snap Kongpob was hurt and he fell into deep pit of silence he keep eating his bottom lip in tension that is written all over his face, getting him wake up from whatever emotions that are eating him alive, right! he is a intern and its his first day he should not be spoiling his impression and he should be attentive, now the cold look on senior facial features says, kongpob is ever so done for sure, he can dig a hole and hide somewhere in the room,

"...Is it even a percentage, you're expecting to get an intern to work in a cardiac department!" Arthit asks with contemporary the cold voice is causing nervousness in kongpob and as arthit turns to Knott-holding him responsible for selecting kongpob, in wanted! "Is this how you do an interview?" eyes narrowed

Knott gives a tight smile, he whispers are slightly audible "he is an exception, by reason of your father friend reference I have to accept him." Knott lowered his eyes hiding the truth even if it's not for the reference knott would definitely accept kongpob. He had hidden agenda under his sleeves.

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