𝐯𝐢𝐢. tenacious

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tenacious - persistent, determined

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I nibbled on the course bread left out for me, accompanied by soft cheeses. I was thankful for the food, but longingly missed the complex, seasoned meals from home. My eyes flickered to the window, checking the sun position. Watches and clocks were one of the many, many things I missed from home.

The sound of bells rang through the town, causing me to quickly scoff down the rest of my food. I jumped out of my seat and hastily shoved on boots Henry bought me after church, along with a few clothes.

I rushed out the back door of Henry's adobe, as to not disturb him and his business, and hurried down the busy streets. I was slowly getting used to the repulsive scent that followed the citizens and the streets, which heavily concerned me. I shook off my thoughts as I neared the church and less people surrounded me.

I slowed to a stop once I was in front of the church and looked around, seeing no sign of Gabriel anywhere. As I waited, I admired at the other, undiscovered end of Solaris. I assumed the bells were courtesy of the more prestigious church Henry mentioned, as I noted there were none on this church. My eyes squinted at any sign of the castle I saw on my way to town, but to no avail.

"Y/N!" A voice called, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I smiled at the sight of the energetic boy as he ran up to me. "Glad to see you made it!" He stated, "Come with me."

I hummed in response, allowing the boy to take me by the sleeve and guide me behind the church. We entered through a back door and stepped into a small room filled with bookcases and crosses. In the middle of the room was a low table, accompanied by cushions instead of chairs.

"Have a seat, I'll go make some tea." I followed Gabriel's words and took a seat of the floor. My eyes scanned the many books, most of them being religious, which didn't surprise me.

After a few minutes, Gabriel came back in, holding two cups of scorching of tea that dripped on the poor boy, wincing at each drop. He placed the cups down with a heavy sigh.

"So," the boy started, taking a seat opposite me. "Tell me about where you're from."

I hesitated at his words. "It's very.. different. We have different customs and are more.. advanced.. then this place."

"What do you mean?"

"Urr.. well... for example we have things called phones, that allow you to talk to anyone who has the same device.. basically.."

"Wow, really!?" Gabriel exclaimed, an excited expression grazing his face.

I smiled at his response and eased my muscles as I continued to yabber about my world. I emotionally spoke about anything that came to mind, my heart tugging at every mention.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been talking but once I stopped I could feel a lot of pain in my jaw, which signalled to me it'd been a long while. "I'm sorry," I blushed.

"It's completely fine," Gabriel reassured. "I love hearing you talk, and I need as much information I can get to help you get home."

My smiled quickly faltered at a realisation. "How will I get home..?"

"Um.." Gabriel hesitated, his eyes scanning around the room. "I was thinking I'd try find some answers in books, there are also witchcraft stores we could look into if we're desperate."

"Trust me, I am."

Gabriel offered me a pity smile. "Oh, and we must keep all of this hidden from my dad, he's not never open to 'unnatural' occurrences." I nodded in understanding. "Also I told him I was mentoring you because you were interested in being apart of the church.. so I hope that's not an issue."

"No it's perfectly fine. Thank you so much for.. all of this. I'm so happy you believe me."

"Of course."

"Why do you believe me?" I asked, tilting my head. I found it odd a random boy a bit younger than me would be easily persuaded by my words.

For once, Gabriel's smile left his face. He didn't say anything for a while, his eyes stuck on a cross that hung above a small window. I watched him stare in silence for a while before his eyes met mine again, his expression completely different as he gave me a smile. "I don't think you'd lie to me."

I raised an eyebrow, not entirely believing his answer but deciding to drop the topic.

A sudden hand embraced mine. Gabriel's grasp around my hands tightening as he looked at me with determination.

"I will get you home, Y/n."

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