29 | A Dream So Real

411 36 6

[Week 6] Day 42 of 77 - Saturday

Jackson got out of the common bathroom after showering. One can see the difference between the house camp set-up and the big brother house (apart from the food budget). The guys and ladies were actually sharing one room, which points to the first door out of three doors in the house.

The girls didn't really have an issue about sharing the room with Jackson because at least he was considerate enough to let the ladies use the private toilet in the quarters while he used the common one which was the second door at the middle. The third door at the right was where the diary room and pantry room were. Apart from not getting any outdoor area and a pool, the house camp also didn't have an activity area so most of the tasks were just done inside unless Miss Jane changed it up a bit.

"That marble task was funny, huh Ryujin?" Jisoo teased while placing the bowl of pasta on the table.

"It sure was, I wouldn't have thought of any other brilliant place to hide it but in my dirty laundry." The smirking Seulgi continued.

Ryujin turned up the whites of her eyes when the house challengers had chosen to tease her.

"Disgusting that I was the one who found your marble on the dirty underwear. Good heavens help my tainted hands." Jackson uttered in a praying position on the dining table, hair still wet from the shower. Ryujin didn't hesitate to smack him on his nape.

"I oughtta shove a marble in your throat!" Ryujin threatened Jackson making him hide his mouth with two hands while shaking his head earnestly of plea.

The house challengers were tasked yesterday to hide 3 marbles of their colors anywhere in the house for 10 minutes simultaneously while the others shut their eyes. Jisoo had black marbles, Jackson's were whites, Seulgi had blues, while Ryujin had green ones. After securely hiding their own, they took turns finding everyone else's marbles then by the end of 3 rounds of seeking marbles, the one who had found the most– regardless of whose marble they found– will be given 1 more point on the board.

Jisoo had messed up their minds by hiding hers at an obvious area where no one would bother looking because it was too open. While she thought of finding theirs at the pits of hell (deeper areas of the house) where she least expected it then voilà, she found 5 of them, which hailed her as the winner, followed by Seulgi's 3, Jackson's 2, and Ryujin's 2 marbles.

They all glanced at the television when it popped out the updated tally of points with Seulgi winning last Thursday, and Jisoo, yesterday.

Ryujin - 5 points
Jackson - 4 points
Seulgi - 3 points
Jisoo - 3 points

As they ate their brunch, Ryujin spoke up, "Jisoo do you remember how you and the other housemates talked about going at Irene's work at the cruise ship together?"

Jisoo cocked her head to the side, trying to reminisce if they had that discussion and they did, making Jisoo smile and nod, "Yeah! We even mentioned you guys. Did you see it?"

"Yep, it was part of the final cut episode they aired here." Jackson answered her.

Seulgi smiled, "We found it sweet that you guys wanted to include us even if we left earlier and even if we weren't as tight with the ones who stayed in the house longer."

Jisoo had only beamed her signature smile, "Of course, that cruise ship plan would just be a little after party for our batch in the house."

"That'd be cool!"

Moments after, everyone did their thing own thing, while Jisoo settled herself back in the quarters in attempt to rest and ease her stomach ache. She could've known it wasn't a good idea to drink too much milk in the morning. Despite loving milk, she gets a bad whirling stomach sickness if she drank too much of it. She even went twice to the toilet in a span of 30 minutes. Jisoo frowned to herself seeking comfort from her pillow even if it doesn't compare to to the feeling of Jennie's soft touch when she's feeling ill or sad. 6 days without Jennie and the television was not a good helping hand to her longing heart.

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