28 | Fame

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"Oh who are these people?" Jisoo questioned with brows drawn together as the van stopped in the familiar entryway of cars outside the condo entrance. She saw people with balloons and banners on their hands just by the grand entrance to the lobby.

The staff on the front seat looked at her unbelievably.

"They're fans, Kim Jisoo. You must've forgotten that you were on national television and media platforms for more than a month."

Jisoo slowly nodded and the staff laughed seeing her shy look, "Don't worry, we had contacted the condominium of your arrival and they sent bodyguards."

Jisoo's eyes shot open, "Bodyguards? Isn't that a little too.. dramatic?"

"Not for someone famous already. You can wear these sunnies while you go out, your eyes still look puffy. It was nice knowing you." The staff said, lending Jisoo black sunnies. Jisoo beamed a small smile and said her thanks.

On cue, there were 2 bodyguards by the van door as she opened it.

"Kim Jisoo!"
"Jisoo, you're my big winner!"

Jisoo blinked a few times, overwhelmed and surprised. She was also shock to see a flash of a camera. She didn't know how to react so she just uttered a small 'hello' to everyone, which made everyone scream for her louder.

"We love you Jisoo, cheer up! You're our big winner!" Someone spoke, raising up a banner that had her face on.

She never knew she'd suddenly have fans because of a reality show. She guessed the show was that much of a big deal.

Still feeling shy, she entered the condominium safely with the bodyguards' arms preventing the people from going too near her. She was thankful for that as she felt quite stuffy and conscious with the sudden attention on her.

When the condo's tinted glass doors shut securely, she removed the sunnies and smirked at Joy who immediately greeted her with a hug.

"Welcome back, cous! Oh my gosh I can't believe I missed you even if we are used to being far away from each other!" Joy excitedly said in their embrace.

They broke off the hug and started walking in the condo's less-populated lobby, "You look shakened up."

"The people outside quite surprised me."

"I thought you're friends with IU and Yoo In Na? So, you must've hung out with them and had paparazzis snooping around."

"Yeah, but people were snooping at us for them and not for me. This kind of startled me."

"Well, wait 'til you see all the gifts the people sent to you and Lisa. Even your IG fans from Korea knew about you being in a reality show because IU posted you as a support."

Jisoo held her forehead in disbelief, "Oh God that woman really.."

Joy chuckled lightly as they arrived in their unit.

"How do they even know my address?"

"Well, that I don't know but I think they knew that from seeing me in and out of the condo, knowing we're cousins from your Instagram. So maybe they guessed you were staying with me?" Joy answered with her own assumption.

"Ahh I don't wanna ask anymore.." Jisoo uttered tiredly, flopping herself on their sofa. Jisoo exhaled when her body twitched with the feeling of an unfamiliar sofa.

Jisoo sighed. She got too used to the sofa in the big brother house that she felt weird from their own sofa.

Joy surveyed her cousin's tired look, "You should go rest first. Eviction challenges are always live broadcasted, so I saw how exhausting the challenge was."

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