"I- I don't know!" I groan. "I... I can't look at you." I turn my face away.

"Why not?"



"For god's sake, don't make me spell it out," I sigh.

"What is the problem?" He says.

"The fact that I just saw you making out with a freakin' guy in the bathroom."

He stays quiet for a moment.

"That's the only freaking problem," I scoff.

"...What's it got to do with you?"

"Well, first off, it's weird. I mean, anyone coulda walked in, you know."

"I knew they wouldn't."

"Yeah, besides me," I snap. "I mean... has he done this to you?"


"You know... made you...?"

He rolls his eyes. "You're kidding, right?"

"Before we met Kanji, you were totally normal."

"And how the hell do you define 'normal'?" He cocks his head to the side. "Because, according to most people, 'normal' people don't go around saving people by jumping into TVs."

"Yeah, but..." I mutter. "You know damn well what I mean, so don't be a smartass."

"...Why does this bother you so much?"

"Because you're... you're meant to be my best friend."

"I still am..."

"Y-you just... kept this from me..."

"I was afraid of how you'd react." His voice becomes soft again.

"...Yu, I..." I grunt.

"...I, uh, didn't want you to find out like that, if that counts for anything."

I shake my head. "It's still not right."


"You just... made up some chick?" I scoff. "Just to throw me off your trail?"

"I... I mean... Yeah, I guess, but-"

"You made a big deal outta this, you know?" I say. "You just ghosted me any time I brought her up, didn't you? It's 'cause you couldn't bare the guilt."

"What are you getting at?" He looks away.

"Jesus, man... You're... You're a fucking faggot."

He looks back up to me, his face stone. "What did you say?"

I swallow hard.

"Say it again." He laughs hollowly.

"Y-Yu, I..."

"Say it again," he snaps, pushing me against the wall, holding me up by my collar.

"P-please, stop..." I choke.

"Right, right," he nods mockingly. "Because you don't wanna be touched by a faggot, right?"

"D-dude, just let me g-go..."

"You're afraid I'll get attracted to you. That I'll stare you down; that I'll rob you of your innocence. That's it, isn't it?"


"What, is this too much for a guy like you?" He scoffs. "A 'normal' guy like you?"


"Go on," he snaps. "Kick and fight. I dare you."

How Could You? (Souyo)Where stories live. Discover now