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"Testing, one, two, three." I cleared my throat and went for it. "People usually say 'day one' on the first day of their audio journal, but there's only going to be one day, so maybe this is more of a message. I don't know. Well anyways, I'm leaving. Forever. I don't even know why I'm recording this, nobody is going to hear it anyway—well at least hopefully not for a while. Anyways, if someone ends up finding this, my name is Naomi Bond and I am sixteen. I live in the UK. Wait... never mind, by the time anyone hears this, I will be living in America. You may be wondering 'Why am I listening to this little girl rambling on about nothing?' Well there is actually a point to all this. Last week I came across a time machine. Don't laugh, its the truth. You're just going to have to believe me. I've not tested it out, so for all I know this could just be a joke. But the person who gave it to me didn't seem like they were joking... I think I've already said too much. Oops, I'll shut up now... You have to believe me.

"In a few minutes I'm going to leave my current life behind and travel back in time to go live a new life. This recording will probably be the only thing left to prove that I was a different person once. Okay, well I've not really got anything else to say. If this doesn't work and I die or something, at least someone will find this recording so I'm not just forgotten. This is how I disappear. Ha! This is getting long. Bye!"

I clicked off the recording and slipped the USB stick into my pocket. I felt so stupid. It was crazy that I was actually leaving this life behind. Not that I would miss it much anyway. I would forget that I existed here at all; I would truly immerse myself in my new life. My new life would be my life, not just one I'd jumped into. I would finally have a chance to be happy. I picked up the small cube. It didn't look much like a time machine, more like a weird looking ornament. I could believe I was trusting everything to this stupid looking ornament. It would be embarrassing if it didn't work. It had no reason to work. I desperately hoped that it would work. It would just be cruel to give me hope of another life. It was worth a try at least.

I held my breath, typed my destination into the top of it and pressed confirm. I was sure about this. I held it tight with both hands, and then my world turned white.

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