12. Cupid screwed up

Start from the beginning

Lazy , stupid annoying douche.

I don't know I just felt like ranting.

Closing the door behind me as I walk downstairs I see Dhruv hiding from someone.

What is he doing?

Walking  towards him. I ask him the reason of hiding.


He looks back at me then looks our surrounding again, what is wrong with him?

He suddenly pulls me to sit next to him.

" what's wrong? Why are you hiding?"

" bhabhi shhh dhere bolo koi sun le ga"

( Translation: speak quietly, or someone might hear us)

"but what's wrong?"

Dhruv looks back at me, his stare is questioning but after few minutes sighing he finnaly decides to speak like he trusts me.

Over the past few days me and Dhruv have gotten close, we share so many same interests. He is like a little brother , so seeing him trusting me with something really warms my heart.

"ok umm promise you will not tell anyone."

" haan afcourse Dhruv you can trust me."

" bhabhi not even bhai ok?"

" ok, i wasn't about to tell him anyway"

Smirking about my sudden confession, he takes a deep breath finally telling me why he was hiding.

"umm I am hiding from maa and I am also trying to escape "


"haan, and its not that easy than I thought it would be. All the people in the movies make it look so cool and easy" he says with a pout still glancing cautiounsly around us.

"But why are you trying to escape? Wasn't we supposed to go to kamla Aunties house today?"

Hearing my words Dhruv's whole face pales.

"Dhruv? Are you ok?"

He just shakes his head dismissing the topic.

"bhabhi you have to help me escape, I don't want to go"

"but why-

"Dhruv , Inayah? What are you guys hiding there?" Aunty said from behind us.

Turning we saw Aunty with an amused and Arhaan with a scowl on his face, walking towards us.

How did got ready so fast??

Standing up I glanced towards Dhruv to see
That he had a weird look on his face.

"umm maa ah we were just looking for something right bhabhi?"

"umm yes we were" I said, when I saw him pleading with his eyes.

"ok, but we have to leave right now"

"maa I don't know, I am not feeling that great maybe you guys should leave without me."

"Nothing is wrong with him maa, he is just pretending because he can't face what is about to come for him there" Arhann says with a smirk on his face.


" I will not listen to anything Dhruv you are coming with us. End of conversation"


I am now standing outside the house, watching all the cars getting prepared for this upcoming roadtrip.

Dark clouds are gathered overhead, it looks like it will rain today but its a good thing because I just love the rain.

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