The Music he plays

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His big masculine hands
which seems to be so strong.
Who could have even imagined that,
those hands would be so gentle and soft
when he touches that piano black
and plays a song.

Even if we are just in our teenage,
Listening to his music makes me feel
as if we are lovers from the medieval age.

Imagine how romantic it would be
if he plays music with us sat together
underneath a tree.

His eyes seem to have drowned
within the melody.
Each of his strokes on the keys
would make me fall more for him, helplessly.
The whole world would just disappear
leaving alone just him and me.

He plays those songs
as if all those were meant just for me.
It fills my stomach with butterflies
and I try my best not to lose contact
with reality.

Please, God, I pray
Never let these moments of us ever fade away.
Let the clock stop ticking
and the earth stop rotating, because
I want us to stay forever this way,
And get to listen to all of the music
that he plays.

Poems of HeartsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant