What is it exactly?

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After leaving the children alone in the garden, the regal couples went to a different park far enough from the youths so they would be incapable of listening to anything they converse about but still be seeable to them. Diksha tagged them along after a while, after returning Vaishnavi her phone. 

Sitting around a small tea table, they dismissed all the servants. The talk must be secretive. 

"What do you think about those two?" Rajveendra asked, not signalling any signs or gestures to assure who were the two people he was asking about.

"They both seem to live a little or much more introverted than we think," Pooja stated, sipping her tea silently. She looked at the other three individuals around her. They all nodded a little.

"Frankly speaking, she is introverted around people she doesn't know. And if you think that she would be the one to speak first, then lower your expectations to zero, she would never." Diksha said confidently and looked at Pooja, who was amazed to hear the new detail from the lady.

"The same stands for him also, I suppose." Aditya was glancing at the Rajput couple with slight doubt in his eyes.

"Yes, it is," Pooja said while heaving a sigh. She wanted him to be the rather opposite, if not for any other case than just for friends. 

"When are we going to tell them? I mean, he is going to turn eighteen soon." Rajveendra looked at the Rathore partners, who looked at each other.

"On his eighteenth birthday. At least they should know what happened and when. And they can't change things anyways." Aditya observed the other three nodding heads. He thought that within less than three months, both individuals might get close and make things simpler to divulge.

"Would she agree? Observing her, it is quite obvious that she doesn't fancy anyone. And the number of guys she rejected in the school is evidence of this." Pooja smirked that the girl was not with somebody else, just as single as the boy. It would be great if they weren't in any other relationships besides each other.

"Knowing that people of their age are more than just attracted towards anyone, it got me quite to a surprise to see two of them not even looking at others with such and such gazes," Diksha spoke while swilling her cup of tea a little. 

"Yeah. I'm sure you are surprised. Aditya, you know, she had a crush on some guy in college." Pooja spoke teasingly, remembering the time they were once students. 

"Oh! Is that so? I never knew about this." Aditya looked at Diksha with an arched brow, to which she just shook her head. Remembering something, her eyes beamed with twinkles.

"Oh! And yes. What about you? Rajveendra, your wife, once drooled over a guy named Amit. He was in our class, economic, to be precise." Diksha produced a tick sign with her dominant hand's thumb and index finger.

The four of them laughed and continued talking about their old golden days. 

Meanwhile, Vaishnavi looked around, scanned the place and clicked some pictures with filters to make it look aesthetic. Oblivious that Vivaan was watching her doing all this, but with a frown decorating his features.

Seeing a pair of rabbits, Vaishnavi got up from her seat and went towards them. Playing with them, she pictured the moment in between. The rabbits who were first running away from her now roamed around her happily. 

As the rabbits went their way, she stood up and walked to return to where she was sitting earlier. But the fabric of her bell-shaped gown came between her shoes and the ground, causing her to trip on it. 

Just as she was about to fall and deform her face, an arm prevented it from happening. Her curvy waist fitted perfectly between the slightly built arm and the broad chest of the person. Coming out of her shock condition, she reformed her position and turned around to thank the person. 

But before she could emit a word, the voice spoke, "What a clumsy girl you are. Careless." Her head was slightly bowed, and her eyes were on her hands, but after hearing the words, she lifted her head and glanced at the person, who was none other than Vivaan.

"All I wanted to say was thank you. But I don't think you deserve that, seeing your manners." Because it could happen to anyone, she replied, frustrated.

She turned to walk away and heard him say, "And mannerless." Stopping midway, she turned her head and voiced loudly, "Says who!" Mockery was present in her tone. Before Vivaan could say something, she left the place.

She sat on the cushioned chair and texted her mother, who wasn't there. 

[ Ma, can we now please go home? You made a promise.] 

After she clicked enter, turning off her phone, she looked towards her siblings, who were enjoying each other's company, forgetting about her existence. A notification sound came, and she lit her phone screen, a message from her mother.

[ Baccha, we'll leave in 15 minutes, okay?] 


She had to endure this place only for fifteen more minutes, so she again opened her chat with Aayush. There was no reply from either of them, Aayush and Khushi.

She clicked the call icon, and after a few rings, a lady said, "The person you have called is not picking up, please-"

Vaishnavi cut the call and tried to call Anushka, but Vivaan sat with both of them. Not wanting to catch his attention, she silenced herself. 

Just as Dikhsha said, they left in fifteen minutes. Vaishnavi was overjoyed to leave that place. Biding their goodbyes and a few civilities, they paced towards their cars. 

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