satavic goes trick or treaking

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No one's pov for this oneshot because yes


"Trick or treating? Nick, I'm not a child." Victor spoke before turning around and sighing miserably as he saw the familiar devil wearing a bunny costume, with another matching bunny costume.

Satanick waltzed over to Victor and poked his cheek, waving the bunny costume in front of Victor.

"Awwwhhh, you're never too old to go trick or treating! Have some fun, will ya?" Satanick chirped, smirking at Victor and chuckling.

The cheery devil was never the one to take "no" as an answer when it came to trick or treating... or most activities at all.

A few arguments later.. Victor was soon to be seen, leaving his lab.. wearing the bunny costume, satanick definitely forced on him.

Victor sighed and crossed his arms, seeming rather ashamed of himself and even a little embarrassed on their walk towards the town far away from where Victor was isolated.

Meanwhile, satanick was overjoyed, and
Excited during their trip. He would go on and on about how fun it would be and even slipping some small mocking  complements on Victor's bunny costume.

"How do I ever put up with your annoyance.. that is a question I will never figure out the answer to." Victor grumbled, facing away from satanick. Still disappointed in both of them.

"Ohhh! Well, I'm just that great, eh? Or.. you perhaps love my company!" Satanick joked as he glanced at Victor for a moment before softly kissing Victor's forehead in a teasing but light manner.

The look on Victor's face was confusing to read, but it was pretty obvious to tell.
Victor just stared at satanick with pure confusion and embarrassment.

"Huh? What was the reason for that, Nick?" The human blankly spoke, sounding almost oblivious.

Satanick felt his confidence crash down. He just cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment.

"Haahaaa... nothing, nothing!..."

After that incident, they arrived at the town and walked around the block. It seemed more of Victor almost babysitting Satanick. The devil had the most fun, getting distracted by grabbing the most candy, walking into haunted houses, and even scaring the citizens. Victor thought this was quite odd for a devil. But never thought anything bad of it. He simply let satanick have fun and stood back. Making sure he didn't get into too much trouble


Bonus dialog; the aftermath.. satavic is currently in victors lab.
Dialog starts with satanick and going back and forth from the two.

"Ahhhhhh... I don't feel so good..~"

"It's from that sugar you ate. I told you many times, eating too much of those will make you feel bad later. You didn't listen."

"I knoww! But the candies are so addictive... can I give these to crea?.."


"Why not??.."

"Too much sugar for a child."

" pooper.. it's halloween!"

"Besides, I already helped her carve a pumpkin and made some festive cookies with her yesterday."

"Whaaazaaaa?! Without me!?..."


"How mean!!! This breaks my heart..."


Hheheheheh crea needed to be mentioned.....


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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