satavic bakes cookies

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No one's pov

This day seemed rather normal for the devil, satanick. Even Victor, his beloved companion, whom he loved to visit almost every day now. At this point, Victor can feel Satanick presence without hearing or seeing him. Quite crazy huh?

The devil decided to visit the human for a rather... unusual activity...

Satanick pov♡♡

" want to what?" Victor replied to me, seeming confused.

"Bake cookies! Have you never tried that? Quite odd.. your kind would seem to do that often..."

"Mmmmmm... well, I don't. I focus on my studies. I have no time, nor the very thought for that. What even wanted to make you bake cookies in the first place?..."

"Oh.. well, it seemed rather fun, of course! I think you'd enjoy it... if you would only take a break from that research you're doing!"


It took a while... a lot of convincing and pleading... but i! The great satanick! Managed to get Victor to bake cookies with me! Hehe.. okaay... maybe i.. sorta..maybe...forced..him.. but we don't talk about that! Hehe!

Victor sighed in annoyance as he mixed the batter, rolling his eyes and boredly gazing at the batter like it offended him.

"This is wasting valuable time off of my studies..." he said with a bored tone.

"Relaaaaax! Too much of that will rot your brain~♡" The real reason I did this.. I've noticed Victor has seemed more tired, so I figured he wouldn't take any breaks... this is one of the many future ideas that will definitely earn him some sort of break... truly, I worry for him. This feels weird, doesn't it? Heh!

"Thats...not scientifically possible.. you see.." Victor continues with his rambling.. but i don't mind. He seems to genuinely be interested in something.. seeing him sort of happy makes me feel funny... but it's probably nothing! I'm probably feeling happy! Yes, happy~

After a while, the cookies were already in the oven, we sat by a table near the kitchen while I stared at Victor, grinning. Im so proud of myself~ I should do this more often with Victor♡~

"Why must you stare at me like that.. It's unnerving..." Victor spoke, sounding rather uncomfortable or embarrassed.

"Well, you finally have a break~! Now tell me... when was the last time you were truly relaxed?" I asked him as I squinted my eyes towards him.

Victor only slightly looked off the side, almost like he was trying to avoid the question.

"I see..."

Then suddenly, the timer sounded. I happily got up and went to go retrieve our masterpieces~ soon, coming back with a plate of said cookies and setting them on the table, sitting down. I stared at Victor and grinned, gesturing towards the plate.

"Cmon~, try them! You'll love them! Promise!"

Victor looked down at the plate and hesitantly took a cookie, biting into it and seeming rather... amused at it. Im guessing he enjoyed it! I mean.. it was my idea after all~ I knew he'd like it!

"Its...sweet. it's okay.. but not my taste."

"Ah, so no sweet? Got it for next time~"

"Next time?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, vic♡!"

"Hmm... odd."

No one's pov☆☆

The devil and the human sat by the table 'enjoying' their freshly made cookies. Satanick surely seemed happy he forced Victor into taking a rather small break. Who knows what Victor felt, we may not know.. but it definitely felt like, somewhere inside... he secretly enjoyed the devils presence. Satanick surley enjoyed Victor's. Will they ever admit these feelings to each other?.. definitely not anytime soon. They're quite the oblivious ones, aren't they?


Eat up child 😈

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