Done Messing Around (CH.94)

Start from the beginning

By this point, I reached one of the final hiding spots for Eri, and as I left her there, I said. "It's alright. Just cover yourself, and I'll keep you safe, no matter how injured I am!" And while she was still pretty nervous, she seemed okay with this, and so, I turned to look at Overhaul, and tried to think about what to do.

The first thing was to analyze the area, so I jumped away, in order to take his attention away from Eri, and as I slowly got closer to him, I surveyed the area. The main thing to take notice of was the fact that Overhaul reverted any changed made to the room after the last exchange, and he seemed determined to keep it that way, since he threw another spike at me, and after I dodged it, he cleaned it once again. This could easily be traced to the fact that he was trying to use a gun as support to his quirk, and surely to keep my on the edge, thinking about when the quirk destroying bullet was going to come out.

He wasn't the only one to do this though, since Nemoto was aiding him as he fired at me as well. All in all, not even the two of them together were enough to injure me any further, even with the damaged arm, but I couldn't get close to them as fast as I wanted, but that wasn't a problem, because in just a moment, the others would arrive as well, so I only had to stall some time for a little bit more.

Unfortunately, Overhaul took notice of this as well, since he stopped firing for a second, moment that I thought would be an opportunity to attack, but instead, he exclaimed. "Nemoto! Fire at the girl!!!" Surprising both of us. I think we both wondered if he was going crazy, but before I had time to make up my mind, Nemoto just followed orders, and aimed towards Eri.

I was hesitant about what to do, but seeing as I was too far away to get to both of them in time, I instead decided to try my best to cover Eri. In theory, she should be okay, since there was some spikes covering her, but I assumed that, if Overhaul was going for this chance, then he should have a plan in store for us.

Just in cue, right when the two of them fired, Overhaul immediately destroyed Eri's spikes, and surprisingly enough, the wall separating us from the rest of the team. I was confused as to why would he do this, but that's when I took notice of something else, Overhaul was actually aiming his gun at them, rather than Eri.

I wasn't as worried of this one, as I was of Eri's, but in go in my way to save her. I didn't have even a second to waste though, and that's when I just assumed. 'Bah, I'm probably going to get shoot anyway, getting hit twice wouldn't change anything.' And then jumped with everything I had to stop the bullet going towards Eri.

I managed to muster every single drop of speed I had, and just barely made it in time to get to Eri. I wasn't right beside her, but I managed to put my right hand in the way of the bullet, and as I approached her, I looked directly at her, and gave her my brightest smile, so she would feel as reassured as possible.

When I landed though, I wasn't entirely sure about what happened with the other bullet, but that's when I heard Sir Nighteye exclaim. "Infront, now!" And at the same time, I powerful kick followed by the sound of two metals clashing. I turned to look around, and I saw that Midoriya had stopped the bullet with a kick from his metal soles.

This was relieving, and then Midoriya exclaimed. "Lemillion!" And tried to come and help, which would actually be pretty helpful, but that's when Nighteye exclaimed.

"Wait! It isn't over!" And it was easy to predict what was gonna happen next, Overhaul was going to keep attacking. My instant reflexes made me get up, and before worrying about myself, I first turned to look at Eri, and thought about how to get her to a safe spot.

I didn't have time to think though, because at that exact moment I felt the floor below me rumbling, and I just knew the next attack was right in due. This also meant that getting Eri to a safe place was pretty much out of the question, so I instead lunge towards her, picked her up, and tried my best to move her out of the way.

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