Chapter 1: visit

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Rin was walking around a quiet neighborhood. She liked it quiet, it gave her a sense of relief.

She had just gotten her hair fixed up, it was black with light blue tips put up into two ponytails. She smiled to herself, feeling more modernized.

Tonight she was planning on visiting the new family that had moved into the neighborhood. From what she had heard they were a family of four. Two parents, a teenaged daughter, and a young son. Rin, was excited to see who exactly these people were.

She, looked at the watch of a person walking by, and saw that the time read, 8:36 pm. She decided that it was time to go meet the family.

When she reached the house, she noticed that it was a bit big for such a small family. She sighed, shaking her head. She thought it was a waste for a small family, to take a house that a bigger family could have used. She went up to the house anyway, and knocked on the door.

"Just one moment!" A voice yelled, it sounded feminine and tired. Then, Rin heard the lock being undone. Out of the door came a women who looked to be in her late thirties. Her hair was put up into a messy bun, and she was wearing a worn down dress.

"Hello?" The women asked looking around, like she couldn't see anyone. "Hmm, that's strange..." she said to herself. Rin, was standing right in front of her, then came inside even though she was not invited.

Rin looked around, and saw what she was looking for almost immediately. A family portrait, several of them in fact. She studied all of the portraits looking for the most recent one. When she did she studied it intently.

It was taken place in front of a building that looked like a church. What she assumed were the parents stood in behind the kids, the Dad was tall, and had blonde hair that was combed neatly back. He also had a short beard. He was wearing a black suit, and had his arm around a girl whom Rin assumed was the daughter.

The Mom looked like the lady who had opened the door, but instead of an old dress, she wore a nice pink dress. Her hair was also curled and was put down, it was a Sandy Brown color. Her arms were holding onto a young boys shoulders.

The boy wore a matching suit with his Dad, and his hair was also put back. He had his Mother's colored hair, but it was a little lighter making him look almost like a dirty blonde.

The daughter a her hair cut to her shoulder, it was also the color Purple. And she wore a matching dress with her Mom.

Everyone in the photo was smiling, but the daughter looked slightly uncomfortable like she was being forced to smile.

Rin, chuckled to herself, then decides to see if she could actually find the family members. She would leave after deciding if this family was worthy to live in this house. Otherwise she would find a way to get them out...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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