Chapter 24

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Evan's POV

I sat patiently on one of the several benches at the park, waiting for Waeland. After Waeland left my house the other day, Samantha and I continued to talk about her plan for a surprise date. To be honest, it didn't seem like a total surprise to me, I just told Waeland that I had to tell him something important and to meet me at Shute Park at eight, around the time that the sun was already setting. I figured that would be the best time since we could talk and eat a little before the stars came out.

Samantha told me that Waeland has a secret obsession with outer space, she suggested taking him to a planetarium. But I don't really like crowds all that much, and I know that I should be thinking more about Waeland than myself, besides, whenever Jake came in and stopped us from... Whatever we were doing, I heard Waeland mumble something under his breath about us not being able to be alone. So, I thought that stargazing outside by ourselves may be a better idea for him as well. Plus, even though he hides it really well, I can still see the slight irritation he has on his face when he hangs around his friends. So I thought maybe he would also want a break from the crowds. I'm not completely thinking about myself here.

At first, I thought stargazing seemed kind of girly or whatever, but after I ran through the idea with Samantha, she said that it was a great idea and to go with it. She also told me a few of Waeland's favorite foods that I could make for him. To my surprise, Waeland likes vegetables a lot more than meat. Since he's a jock and all, I thought that he would be more into eating stuff like steaks and burgers, but nope. I was wrong.

"How long are you going to stare into space before you notice that I'm here?" Waeland's husky and slightly rough voice questioned as he smirked in front of my face, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Crap, how long as he been here? And how long have I been ignoring him? That's rude as hell, I invited him out here and I didn't even notice that he had appeared.

"Uh, sorry, I was just thinking," I apologized as I looked him over. He looked hot as always, he was wearing a tight black shirt and dark blue jeans that hugged him just right in all the right places, I shook my head, trying to get those types of thoughts out of my head. But it's so hard, especially after all of the things that we have been doing lately.

"Oh? What about? Me?" He drew closer, the smirk on his face growing with every step closer he took to me.

"What? No, shut up." I lied, standing up from the bench I was sitting on.

"Mhm, sure you weren't," He replied, obviously not believing my lie, which made me sigh. "Anyway, what did you want to tell me? That is the reason you told me to come out here after all." Waeland gasped before I could even speak, taking a guess at why I called him out here. "Are you going to break up with me?" He asked with a pout and gave me the cutest puppy-eyed look I've ever seen. Not even kids looked that cute when they pulled out that look. Somehow, Waeland does everything better.

I quickly shook my head at that idea, where did that even come from? I didn't give off any of those signals... Did I?

"No, where did that idea come from?" I asked, curiously. I want to know why he would think of something like that, I may find Waeland annoying at times, but I'm really starting to like him. I don't really have a reason to break up with him. Unless he gives me one.

"Well, you said that it was important and that you had to tell me in person, so my mind kind of wandered..." He mumbled, his eyes trailing down slowly.

I sighed and shook my head before taking his hand and leading him a little away from the park towards a patch of woods. As I lead him through the trees and bushes, he kept asking where we were going, but I ignored his questioning. He'd find out so enough himself.

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