VII || Final Showdown

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Word count: 1,184



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Jack and I quickly changed our clothes before hopping into the Silver Pony.

Jack and I flew the Silver Pony to Poppy's base in Cambodia. We pulled out our pistols the movement we stepped out of the jet.

We trenched through the humid jungle, careful not to step on any land mines.

We finally saw a clearing through the tree's and our eyes widened at the scene we had just walked into.

We saw the bodies of Poppy's very dead henchmen strewn across the base, which was a 60's inspired town.

Our gazes then landed on Eggsy, who was standing over Charlie's body.

"Looks like we missed the party." I said, making our presence known as we walked into the clearing.

Eggsy turned in our direction with his eyes wide, "Gin. Whiskey. Glad you could make it."

Eggsy then turned to Whiskey, "Whiskey. Good to see you back in your feet. I'm really sorry about what happened in Italy. Harry wasn't ready for the field, but I pushed for it anyway. I hope all can be forgiven."

"I 'spose. But, I'm gonna need to have a little chat with your friend Harry." as Jack says this, Galahad walks out of the building across from us and starts to walk in our direction.

Jack and I narrow our eyes as he approaches us.

"Ah, Agent Whiskey, Agent Gin. Glad you could join us. I apologize for my behavior in Italy. I want thinking straight. I hope I can be forgiven."

"Yeah, me and you are gonna have a little chat about that when this is all over." Jack replies, glaring at Galahad.

Galahad lowers his head and nods.

"Where's your friend Merlin?" I ask.

Galahad and Eggsy lower their heads with saddened expressions on their faces.

Jack and I got the hint and we both removed our hats and placed them over our hearts.

"I'm very sorry. He was a good man. His efforts will not be forgotten." I say as Jack nods along with me.

"Thank you. But we should really get going." Eggsy says.

We all nod as Jack and I place our hats back on heads.

Galahad finds a machine gun by his feet and he leans down to grab it as Eggsy retrieves the red briefcase that releases the antidote.

We all walk into Poppy's diner with our weapons raised. Jack is sure to walk in front of me to act like a human shield.

We enter the diner to see Poppy waiting for us behind a red counter with a large smile on her face, "Hey, fellas."

"You're going to give us the code." Galahad demands as we approach the counter.

Poppy gasps, acting as if she surprised, "Mmm. Or what? 'Cause you don't seem like the kind of gentlemen who would hurt a lady."

As she says this, Jack and Eggsy peer behind the counter to ensure that poppy's not hiding any surprise weapons.

"Perhaps not. But I'm no gentleman." I say, moving closer to her with my pistol aimed at her head.

Poppy giggles like a little girl, "Ooh, you're feisty. I like that."

"Call me old-fashioned, I don't consider genocide especially ladylike." Harry says, as we take a seat on the red barstools.

Eggsy places the case on the counter and opens it in front of Poppy, "Right. Enough small talk. Give us the code."

"Sure." Poppy then closes the case back up, "No. I don't think so."

And with that, Galahad grabbed Poppy by the shoulder and forced her face down onto the counter. Eggsy pulled out what looked to be a glasses case and he opened it to reveal a needle.

Eggsy injected the needle into the back of Poppy's neck as Poppy yelped in pain.

"What was that?" I ask, my eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Heroin." Eggsy answers, talking to me and Poppy, "You know, where I come from, this shit you've been peddling's ruined a lot of lives. But yours is even more deadly. But it feels so nice, it's gonna make you lower your guard."

Poppy hums as her eyes begin to droop.

"Our colleague, Merlin, may he rest in peace...managed to synthesize your horrible little formula, and speed up its effects. So I would say you have just under eight minutes...before paralysis sets in and your breathing stops. But, of course, you know all about that." Galahad explains as the blue vein-like rash spreads across Poppy's face and hands.

"So here's the deal. You release the antidote world wide and we'll make sure you get a dose." Eggsy reasons.

"I have to give you the code to live. Oh honey, you're so smart. You should work for me." Poppy smiles as the rash continues to spread across her face.

"Give us the code or I'll make your death a lot quicker." I say, running low on patience as I aim my gun towards her head once more.

"Trust me, she ain't kiddin'." Jack backs me up.

Poppy finally gives in, "Why not? The decree's getting signed soon...anyhoo. Um, it's "Viva las vegan." Get it? "Viva las..." her words began to slur and I assume the paralysis is starting to set in. Poppy then turns to Galahad, "Come snuggle with me. I like you."

"I don't think that's terribly likely."

Poppy continues to giggle and I grimace as her eye rolls into her head. She then falls to the floor and we all look at one another. We all crane our necks to peer over the counter to find Poppy on the floor. Definitely dead.

"That was definitely not eight minutes." I say, turning to Eggsy.

"She's OD'd. You gave her too much." Galahad complains.

"Did I? You know, I really don't have as much experience with all this drug stuff as people think. Better be the right code." Eggsy says, opening up the case once more.

Jack and I slide our pistols back into their holsters and slump against the counter, "Baby, you look so sexy when you threaten people." Jack says, sliding his arms around my waist.

"Could you two wait to do that till after the mission?" Eggsy asks, making Jack and I chuckle.

"Viva, las, vegan." Eggsy mumbles, typing the code into the case, "This one's for you, Merlin."

Jack and I peered over at the screen, which read 'antidote released'.

We both smile at each other and give each other a celebratory kiss on the lips.

I see Eggsy and Galahad pat each other on the back.

"Good work today. Because of you millions of people lives were spared." I say, shaking Eggsy's hand before turning to Galahad, "But this don't mean your off the hook just yet." I say sternly and Galahad nods in understanding.

"Yeah, you did a good job." Jack says, bowing his hat to Eggsy, then narrowing his eyes at Galahad.

"We should be getting back. I think we could all use a drink." Eggsy says, making his way to the door.

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