I || The Introduction

474 12 0

Third-person point of view

Word count: 822


Agent Gin and Agent Whiskey had been stationed in the Statesmen New York office. They had gotten word from Champ that a drug cartel called The Golden Circle had been on the rise.

Gin and Whiskey were seated at a long rectangular table with empty chairs. They slipped on their Statemen glasses and a hologram-like image of Champ looking out the window with his back facing them appeared. They heard the door open and an image of Tequila and another gentleman, who was dressed in a nice suit and glasses appeared.

"At what point are you going to start behaving like a statesman, Tequila? You want to go back to being a rodeo clown?" Champ asked, turning his head away from the window. Gin and Whiskey both snicker at Champ's remark.

"No, sir. I apologize, sir." Tequila replied, sheepishly staring down at the ground.

Champ turned away from the window with a large grin on his face, "I'm champagne. But anyone who knows what's good for him," he pauses, taking off his hat and tossing it onto a large champagne bottle that sat at the end of the room, "Calls me Champ." The kid in the suit grins at that.

"Sorry for your troubles. As your American cousins, I'm placing all of Statesmen's considerably larger resources at your disposal." Champ says, pointing to a screen at the other end of the room that shows a diagram of the Statemen's market cap. He then turns to Whiskey and Gin, "Can you imagine us being in the clothing business?" the three of them chuckle at that.

Champ and Tequila both sit down at the table and Tequila is now wearing a pair of Statesmen glasses. Champ turns back to the kid in the suit and pulls out a cigar from his jacket, "Now, how can I help you?" "First of all, I've got to say thank you for saving Agent Galahad." "Wait, you said that you were Galahad," Champ says, gesturing toward the kid with his cigar. "Oh, no, he's talking about the butterfly guys. That used to be his handle." Tequila explains. "Oh" "Galahad always said, "You've got to look at the bigger picture..." "Ask 'why' as well as 'who'." So if someone wanted to take out Kingsman... then they've got to be planning something major." "So what do you know?" asked Champ, rubbing his cigar under his nose. "They're a drug cartel, we think. The name Golden Circle keeps coming up." Galahad explains. Champ turns to Gin and Whiskey, "Mmm. We'll look into them. What else?" "One of our former trainees is working with them. Charlie Hesketh. Total prick." Galahad continues. "You got any promising leads on him?" Champ asks. "His ex-girlfriend. I've been tracking her through social media. We believe she's still in contact with him. And she's going to Glastonbury music festival." Galahad says, pulling out his phone to show a photo of a smiling blonde woman. "Oh, good," Champ replies, putting his cigar back in its case.

"Agent Tequila, break out your dancing shoes. You have a new mission." "Yes, sir," Tequila replies, finishing his drink. Tequila is about to stand up when Champ stops him, "Hold up. You feeling okay?" Champ asks. "I'm a little tired, but fine, thanks," Tequila replies, completely oblivious to the blue vein-like rash that is spreading up his neck. "Galahad, you ready?" he asks, turning to Galahad. "Your face... you got..." Champs stutters, gesturing towards Tequila's neck with his cigar. Tequila picks up his cup and notices the blue rash running up his face, "What the fuck?" Gin and Whiskey give each other a worried glance as Whiskey places a protective hand over Gin's thigh.

Tequila stands up from his chair, rubbing his face. "Head to the sick bay. Have Ginger check you out." Tequila takes off his glasses and Champ whistles to him right as he's about to walk out the door, "Hey, give him your glasses." Champ says, gesturing towards Galahad. Tequila hesitantly tosses his glasses to Galahad. "You're in luck kid. Put 'em on." Champ says, putting on his own pair. Galahad takes off his Kingsmen glasses and replaces them with the Statesmen glasses. "You get our finest senior agents to join you instead. Right now, they are in our New York office. Galahad, meet Agent Whiskey and Agent Gin." Champ says, gesturing towards the two empty chairs next to him, that are now occupied by a man and a woman in cowboy hats.

Whiskey salutes him, and Gin just grins and gives him a nod as a greeting. Galahad grins and nods back. "Kid... looks like we're hooking up with a chick at a rock concert. My favorite kind of mission." Whiskey looks over at his wife and winks at her. Gin grins back at him, "We're sending you our jet to come pick you up." Gin says.

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