Date Night

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Idea by my greatest friend: KZCool14

Axel sighed deeply with stress mixed in with nervousness. Kyle walked to her and said, "The fuck is up, little sister?" Axel replied, "The fuck does it look like? I'm having a date night with Giggles and a bunch of friends." 

Kyle leaned on the wall and said, "Nervous much? She's been having an eye on you since that 'coffee' incident years ago. Even after when she somehow found out your a woman. She didn't care." 

Axel sighed deeply and said, "No I suppose not. Pretty much everyone found out about it. Though that dumbass Disco-Bear was embarrassed as hell when he found out. Needless to say every time he tried to get near me, I kick him in the crotch."

The two heard the doorbell as Kyle said, "Well, there's your date Axel." While walking passed him, Axel said, "Oh shut up big brother." 

Axel opened the door and to her surprise, Giggles, with Flaky, Petunia, Lammy, and her 3 friends. Axel asked, "Uhh what's going on?" 

Petunia replied, "Well knowing this would be a possible date, we decided to come along." Axel asked, "Isn't that like 5 times of a third wheel?" 

Liv replied, "Not when your hanging out with the women, girl." Axel rolls her eyes as she sighed. Jubileah then said, "With all due respect, I be more than happy to accompany these gals."

 Axel asked with a raised brow, "Ain't you that chick who makes googoo eyes at my youngest brother?" Jubileah replied, "Uhuh. And I'm not ashamed of it." Giggles then wrapped her arms around Axel's arm and said, "Let's head out ladies!" 

The girls squealed and head out. Kyle shouted as Giggles dragged and ran with her with the girls, "Go easy on my little sister 'pinkie'. I don't think either one of us can make another Axel."

(A short while later)

Petunia and the girls were at the bar. Axel didn't actually think she would hang out with girls again, let alone in HappyTreetown.

Thats when Giggles made her move and asked, "Enjoying yourself my fire-goddess?" Axel answered her, "Well sort of. I never hung with other girls for a long time."

Giggles then looked down before she said, "You know something? Your more Amazing than Cuddles and Snowers combined."

Axel then said with a smirk, "But the difference between me and that perv is that I am more modest than him and I don't peep under any girls' skirts."

Petunia whispered to Jubileah, "She is right." Giggles smiled a little before Axel said, "Ya know? your actually the first girl that fell for me."

Giggles eyes lid up and asked, "Really?" Axel nodded before Giggles squaled in excitment and hugged her.

As a result both fell on the floor and they chuckled playfully. The girls smiled as they sighed lovingly.

Flaky said to herself, "I guess its not too late to invite Morgan and Lillian."

Petunia asked, "Come again?"

Flaky lied, "No-NOTHING!"

Their evening went wonderfully well as a result Axel and Giggles slept on the couch after they got back.

Makes one wonder: Will Snowers and Cuddles be jealous?

Htf: Axel x Giggles OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now