Season 3A Survival of the Fittest

Start from the beginning

Yesterday I even went to Deaton's clinic to see if Scott had heard anything about Isaac or Derek. I went to the loft earlier and didn't find anyone there.

Not knowing what's happening is driving me insane.

First, Boyd and Erica. Now Isaac hasn't texted me in two weeks; something must be seriously wrong.

As I walk into the English classroom, I see some familiar faces. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison are there.

Suddenly all our phones start getting text notifications. It turns out our teacher, Ms. Blake, sent us a text about the class and told us our phones must remain off from now on.

That's a way to catch our attention, but soon, we focused on something more sinister.

I was writing notes when I heard a loud thumbs. When I looked up, there was blood smeared in the window. It looked like a bird had collided with the glass.

Then, out of nowhere, a massive flock of birds is coming towards us. It reminded me of the Alfred Hitchcock classic.

For a few minutes, it was pandemonium. Screams, noises, birds squeaking, and attacking. One bird got fixed on me and wouldn't stop thrashing at me.

I could only cover my face, but the bird's claws found an exposed spot in my neck, and it hurt me deep enough that the paramedics sent me to the ER so they could stitch the cut and control the bleeding. Fantastic!

Melissa is surprised to see me.

"Hey, kiddo, what happened?"

"Some weird bird attack at school, and of course, I am the only lucky one with a cut that needs stitches."

"OK, let me see. Just four stitches are needed. Not a big deal. Just wear gauze and cover the wound for the next couple of days. Other than that, please be careful out there. Are you sure you are OK?"

"I haven't been sleeping well, that's all," she put a hand on my shoulder and nodded.

"Still having nightmares? Lexi, I know you don't like talking about it, but you should consider seeing a therapist; there is nothing wrong with getting help."

This lady is fantastic; I wish my mom was like her; Scott doesn't know how blessed he is.

But I have been alone since Nanna died, so I can handle this. The whole sleeping thing is a phase. I can control my brain and will not let my thoughts rule my life.

I am strong!

Isaac's POV

I am in pain, and my brain is fried.

I only remember some pieces. Like a weird-looking morphed giant werewolf attacking me, a girl in a motorcycle trying to save me, and then coming into the ER, but after that, all went black.

Now, I am lying on an old table at the Hale House, and I can hear Scott asking Derek about the Alpha pack.

I come to my senses and ask them about the girl. They looked at me surprised, so I explained how this girl came out of nowhere and helped me escape the Alphas.

They start asking me questions, but the truth is, I don't remember anything. It is as if my memory was wiped out.

Derek explains that Alphas can somehow take away and gain access to others' memories, so he thinks that's what happened to me.

Derek also says I need to rest to fully recover, but that's when I notice Scott giving worried glances to Stiles.

When I ask what is happening, Scott mentions that Lexi had been worried about me for the past two weeks since I disappeared and that she was injured during a freak bird attack at school today.

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