Our World.

87 4 16

Ah, our town. It's perfect.

It's like a dream to live here... not really but the atmosphere is nice at least.

Crispy autumn trees swaying in the gentle breeze.
Cool air whistling elegantly.
The window panes I can see me and my other classmates in. My reflection...
Who am I ? You may be asking yourself.

I am Yogi Aftermon. I'm 16 and I am a student at MesterVille High school. You'd think how fancy this place looks it'd have mature students but.. obviously not.
I can hear a few people fighting outside my classroom right now.

Maths labels and guides stuck to the walls.
A dim broken light flickering in the corner i keep focussing on because it's quite annoying. The smell of sweaty high school dudes.. Eugh.

It's hard being a gay 16 year old dude in this trashy school. The boys here are REALLY not my type. But I am pansexual. The girls aren't my type either, they are all annoying as shit. Everyone's annoying in general.

All the guys in my class throw paper airplanes out the window, wear jock like outfits , have a extreme liking to P.E and take it very seriously... and all don't wear deodorant.

The girls are really prissy and talk shit about everyone. They are all horribly squeaky with their lameass voices. Ugh. What a pain in ass to go here. At least the teachers are nice at least.

I turn to look at my reflection in the large window pane again.
I have blonde hair.
Ocean blue eyes.
A quite retro outfit on.
A brown satchel that carries my books.. and my diary.

I wouldn't go ANYWHERE without my diary. It's my best friend.. I can't really talk to anyone other than it.
My sisters a dick.
My other sisters in a recovery unit in hospital.
My mothers dead.
And my dads a drunk lame ass who doesn't care for his children.

Ugh. I wish I could go live with my art teacher, Miss mayhill. She's so sweet and treats me like i'm her kid. I can tell her anything and I usually spend my dinner time break with her.

You know I-

My ongoing thoughts are cut off by a firm grip to my shoulder behind me. Oh lord spare me.

'' Hey! Gayass! '' — A recognisable voice exclaimed from behind me, they tighten the grip on my shoulder. I whimper in pain, frantically turning around. Oh of course. My bully.... Trixie.
I scoff, not wanting to deal with her bullshit today. I know it's kind of wimpy being picked on by a girl but she's fucking terrifying I tell you.. she had the balls to beat up a teacher before. I'm not sure how she's not expelled yet but.. whatever.

''Ughh... What do you want from me?'' — I replied, rolling my eyes and sighing. I look over to the teachers desk and she isn't there.. so if this bitch beats me up in this very moment I can't do Jackshit...

''Nothing!~ I was just curious...about something..'' — She stared at me with a smug look before grabbing my shirt collar so I would face her. Almost nose to nose. I look away frantically as I begin to sweat. She pulled me out my seat. Exclaiming in surprise, I wasn't sure what to say.. it's kind of awkward right now. Her breathe on my neck is like a cold sharp whisper that stung me.. I shivered. She chuckled, lowering her hand before snatching the diary out of my open satchel before shoving me back in my seat with force by pressing on my chest.

''H-HEY , GIVE THAT BACK JACKASS! '' — I stand up again , my body seems to be burning up.
I try to grab it but she holds it up high, I stomp my feet. Trixie laughs, spinning round , looking down and opening the diary. All I can do is clench my fist and grit my teeth... shes way stronger than me.. and I'm too weak at heart to hit someone..
But... The person approaching her isn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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