Chapter 2

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Aunt Anne had checked his wrapping around his right eye and giving him a spare eye patch for when his eye heals. Nothing feels the same anymore. Quite speaking, nothing is the same as it was, but the butler makes me feel on some sort of guard.

"Thank you for preparing a carriage for me Aunt Anne," "Ciel" said.

"Are you really going? You should stop at my house..." Aunt Anne had started going into a protective mode once again.

"It's ok, I'm going. I...want to see it with my own eyes."

"Alright, if you insist."

The conversation drifted and eventually quieted down until Ciel noticed that I wasn't moving for the carriage.

"Sierra, are you coming?"

Taking a glance in his direction, I held onto Aunt Anne's hand as I ask him, "Are you want to see it?"

"Yes, I want to see it. And I'd be grateful if you came with me."

I hesitated. It's been a couple of weeks since I last went back to the manor. And every time I had gone back, the more guilt and the more upset I had gotten. However, even with all those past feelings at least somewhat relieved now that Ciel is back, I nodded and looked at Aunt Anne.

"I'll be back,  Aunt Anne."

"Before you go, Ciel. Let me give this to you," Aunt Anne held out a closed fist to Ciel's open hand. In his had is one of father's rings that we were able to save from the fire. "The others burned down, this is the only one left. Being that Sierra can't inherit the title even as the eldest between you two. This ring rightfully belongs to you."

"Thank you, Aunt Anne," he said as the three of us got in the carriage and we made our depart. To the place we once called home.

The way there was fairly quiet. A little too quiet.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened and who this butler is?"

It was an awkward silence for a moment.

"My lady, if you would-"

"I'm not talking to you butler. Not yet atleast." I turned to "Ciel" and asked again. "What happened? Who is this butler?"

"Traffickers had attacked the manor, sold us to a cult who tried to summon a demon. Ciel...was the unfortunate soul that was sacrificed for the summoning." He gave a very brief explanation of the events that had occured.

"And the butler?"

"...Is the demon that was summoned."

My eyes widened as I an audible gasp could be heard. When my eyes had drifted to the demon butler, I could see the color of fuchsia and a slit in his eyes.

"M-My brother was your sacrifice?"

"His soul was an offering. Just like the young master's soul is our compensation for when he fulfills his wish," the demon says.

"S-So your just going to take my family from me anyway. Just when I thought he at least could've come back." I pointed to "Ciel" as I spoke.

"To be fair, my lady, I didn't take your family away from you."

"That may be so, but you will be taking the only family I have left."


"Please, I need some time to think and process everything."

"...I'm glad that you at least are ok..." I heard him whisper.

The rest of the way was an awkward silence. Ciel looked at the floor while I looked out of the carriage and the demon constantly glancing between the two of us. When we finally got to the burnt down manor, the demon helped Ciel out of the carriage before glancing at me and helping me out as well.

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