Chapter 7

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For the last day of his school year, Harry could not concentrate at all. He had never been able to have a happy, not even normal, summer and he was very excited. He was told by his new guardian that they would be staying in a cottage in the countryside. Harry planned to tell his friends all about it.

In the secret room during dinner

'Guys! You won't believe what happened to me.' Harry said.

'What is it?' Ron asked.

'The headmaster made Professor Snape my guardian.'

Ron and Hermione were shellshocked, gasping.

'I feel so sorry for you mate.'

'What? No, I'm really happy about it.'


'My relatives weren't exactly umm... the kindest to me and compared to them staying with the professor is probably going to be better.'

'How bad were your relatives, Harry?' Hermione asked.


'I'm glad that you found someone that cares for your well being, Harry. It is obvious that Professor Snape cares about your opinions from the way he has been behaving.' Hermione responded.

'I guess if you're happy then I'm alright with it but if there are any problems, just come to the Burrow, okay?'

'Mhm. Thanks, Ron.' 

That night, Harry was bursting with excitement and couldn't fall asleep so he busied himself by checking if he had all his belongings packed into his suitcase and then read a book that he borrowed from the library. Finally, he found his eyelids growing heavy and soon drifted off into dreamland.

'Harry! Wake up!' Ron was exclaiming while jumping up and down on his bed.

'It's the end of year. If you don't wake up, we won't be ready to board the train.' he added.

'Okay, okay, you're going to give me a migraine.' Harry was not a morning person at all, he rubbed his eyes and stretched before getting up and cleaning himself.  

'Wait, how am I going to get to the cottage.' Harry wondered.

So he quickly rushed to Severus's quarters and knocked,

Severus opened the door and found Harry looking at him.

'Professor, how am I going to get to the cottage?'

'Oh yes, apologies for not informing you, Mister Potter. You are going to take the train to Platform 9 and 3/4 and when you get there go to the back of the train to find the teacher's compartment and we are going to portkey there.'

'What portkey?'

'It is a form of transportation in the wizarding world. Now quickly go back to your room and get ready. The boarding will be in half an hour.'

Harry nodded and ran off back.

On the train, Harry played a game of Exploding Snaps with Ron while Hermione read a book. When the trolley lady came, Harry once again, bought almost the entire cart.

'Don't eat some many snacks, guys. You're going to get a cavity.' Hermione commented.

'What's a cavity?' Ron asked.

'It's when your teeth rot. My parents are dentists, people that fix teeth in the muggle world, and they told me that if you eat too many sweets, you will get a cavity.'

'Eww, we don't have cavities here in the wizarding world.'

'Really? How interesting.'

Then, the subject changed and Harry and Ron were talking about quidditch and Hermione resumed her book.

When the train ride ended, Harry promised to write to Ron and Hermione and bid them farewell.

He met up with Severus and he told him all about what happens when they portkey and cautioned that he should land carefully. 

When they saw the house they were shocked. The house was much larger than they expected, it even had a pool.

'Wow, Professor Dumbledore's family must have been really rich if this was his childhood holiday home

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'Wow, Professor Dumbledore's family must have been really rich if this was his childhood holiday home.' Harry said, admiring the structure. 

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