Chapter 1

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I walked slowly to the burnt building of the mega pizza plex. I noticed a hole in the window and decided to hop through after ruling out all other entrance points. I dropped onto a stack of boxes and looked at the crumbled pizza plex in horror.

   "How could someone do this?" I asked in a low whisper. I looked around wearily as I stepped off the ledge and onto the floor. The place was dark, and spiders crawled the place freely. I felt around the walls, making sure I couldn't fall. So many boards were missing from the floor with nothing underneath.

   "Hey, a flashlight!" I exclaimed and picked the flashlight up. Fortunately, it had full charge as it seems all the flashlight recharge stations were completely broken. I turned my flashlight on and walked through the sewage covered floors.

   "Ugh, gross!" I cried as a rat crawled up my leg. I shook the rat off and ran further ahead. As I continued running, I felt my foot hit something as I started falling. I shut my eyes and face planted into a bunch of sewage.

   "Ugh, gross!" I exclaim.

   "Can you hear me?! Someone help me!! Please!! Help!!" Someone screamed. I looked around and walked towards the voice. My concern grew faster as I realized it was Cassie's voice. I ran faster when I got to the source of the sound. A Monty walkie-talkie. I picked it up as I heard Cassie's voice crying for help.

   "Cassie? I'm here. Where are you?!"

   "I'm trapped in the basement. Something with Gregory's voice led me down here. You need to find me! Help!" She cried. My eyes widen in disbelief. Gregory warned me not to go get her, but I didn't listen. It's too late now.

   "Crap. Cassie, I'll find a way to help you. I can call for help!"

   "Calling for help isn't going to work. You need to help me!!" She said. I bit my lip in confusion. I don't understand her persistence for me to help her. I guess neither of us are supposed to be here, so calling the police would certainly get us in more trouble than being helped.

   "Okay, I'll find a way to get you out. What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

   " Look around for mask bot. He'll give you a mask which will help you re activate the security nodes."

  "Security nodes? Mask bot? Cassie, you're not making any sense." I sigh. I knew she wouldn't answer me. I continued walking with fear of getting jumpscared. Suddenly everything went quiet. I slowed my pace with a fearful mind. The next step activated a bottom near me as it popped in front of me and held a golden bear mask.

   "Take a mask." It said. I'm guessing this was the famous mask bot. I snatched the mask from his hands, but as soon as I did, it broke down, and its head popped off.

   "Ugh, I hate that thing!" I gagged dramatically as I walked away from the headless machine, kicking the head to the side. I put the mask on as everything turned into some kind of AR world. I noticed a box with golden lines on it. I crouched down and placed my hand on it. A moon plushie appeared in my face.

   "Ack!" I screeched. I saw a weird little bear that looked kinda like funtime, Freddy.

   Hello. I'm helpy your AR assistance. I looked at it weirdly.

   "Are you really here?" I asked

   Of course not. I'm an AR help. You see me in your mask because I'm part of the AR world. You'll see me regardless if the mask is on or off because you have interacted with the AR world. I rolled my eyes already annoyed with "Helpy" as he called himself. I hated that he was there, but I needed all the help I could get. I continued walking as Helpy instructed me through the AR world.

   "Hey!! Don't listen to him!" 

   "Cassie? Why not? " 

   "He's connected to whatever is trapped down here. He's dangerous." 

   I helped you, Cassie. Why are you calling me dangerous?

  "You led me to my demise!" Cassie argued.

   "Will you two quit it?!" I screamed. They both fell quiet after hearing me flip out on them. I reached an area with deactivated security nodes. I placed the mask on and placed my faz-wrench near a node and reactivated it. I reactivated the other node, then walked to the blue bunny and made it red again.

   "You did it!! There are a lot more, so you need to keep going!"

    "Cassie… I can't go back."
This is my first story and I'm really excited. I'm purposeful keeping the name of the main character a secret but is cannon to the lore of fnaf. CA you guys guess the name of the main character or their gender?
Word count: 777

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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