seven; trauma

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"Nate?" The doctor pokes her head around the wall. "Viola is asking for you."

I push myself up from the seat and find my sister sitting in a bed with her fresh clothes on her dirty body. "How are you feeling?" I ask gently.

"Back hurts," she rasps and I lean over to grab the cup of water.

She takes it and thanks me gratefully. "He shouldn't have done that to you, Vi. I'm sick of his shit, I'm sick of him treating us like we're not even his children. I can't do it anymore."

Her delicate little fingers brush my arm. "Thank you for standing up to him. I hate that he doesn't listen to us or stop to think that he's overdoing it."

"He won't change," I whisper.

"He was different once."

"That was when mum was here."

Viola's eyes flash with sadness and I wince at the thought of bringing her up. Not when it's a rarity that we do. I wish I spoke about her more, I don't want the memories to die with her. Not when she'll always hold such a special place in my heart, no one can replace her.

When she doesn't respond I open my mouth. "So what did the doctors say?"

I listen to Viola suck in a breath. "Bad bruising for now. I didn't break anything but I might have chipped a bone slightly, that's what is causing all this pain."

My knees bend to perch in the chair beside her, I twist my fingers to lace with hers. "Do you want me to keep you company?"

"Please," she nods eagerly. "Tell me about Milo."

I can feel my heart stammer in my chest at the mention of his name. I remember his distress from last night. His friend has gone missing and they can't find her.

A tug on our matebond had me jolting awake in the early hours and then that discomfort never went away, it felt like I was experiencing them myself. That's how I knew whatever had happened, it was affecting Milo majorly.

"I-I'm afraid to give him another chance," I say quietly. "I'm worried because something inside me is telling me to leave, not to endure this. But another part of me is pulling me back and saying that if I leave, I'll regret it. I'll regret it all."

Viola's face softens and she takes another sip of her water, dampening her lips.

"Well mistakes could be made with either choice," she says and I remember that I can always trust her for her sheer honesty. "Whatever you choose to do, it will be your decision. You might not need Milo to be truly happy."

The bond tugs painfully at her words. I've seen what living without a mate can do–my dad for a prime example. Things might be okay at the start but if my life starts to deteriorate and I am left in a depressive pit. I have no idea how I'll ever come back from it.

Deep down I know that I want to give Milo another chance, another chance to redeem himself. I'll forever regret my decision if I don't try to make it work but that doesn't stop the fear that races through my body. The fear of the unknown.

"I want you to be happy," she says again and gives my hand a squeeze.

I force a smile in her direction, even with the tightness inside my chest. "Me too."

Viola is staying down in the infirmary for the night so that the doctors don't have to move her, they said it will be better for her recovery. So I make sure that I set an alarm to go and check on her in the morning.

Desirable (mxm)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon